
Vilka gjorde den första v6:an?

109 Inlägg
30 september 2009
Vilket bilmärke och modell var först ut med v6 bensinmotor?

1 754 Inlägg
30 september 2009
Some of the first V6-cars were built in 1905 by Marmon. Marmon was something of a V-Specialist which began with V2-engines, then built V4's and V6's, later V8's and in the 30's Marmon was one of the few car-makers of the world which ever built a V16 car.

Jag kan inget om allt.

Random Hero
4 047 Inlägg
30 september 2009
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/V6_engine hört talas om google/wikipedia ?

Dog food lid. Backwards

3 759 Inlägg
1 754 Inlägg
30 september 2009
Some of the first V6-cars were built in 1905 by Marmon. Marmon was something of a V-Specialist which began with V2-engines, then built V4's and V6's, later V8's and in the 30's Marmon was one of the few car-makers of the world which ever built a V16 car. är från Wikipedia...
Senast redigerat av Holiace (30 september 2009)

Jag kan inget om allt.

3 759 Inlägg
30 september 2009
Holiace skrev:
Some of the first V6-cars were built in 1905 by Marmon. Marmon was something of a V-Specialist which began with V2-engines, then built V4's and V6's, later V8's and in the 30's Marmon was one of the few car-makers of the world which ever built a V16 car. är från Wikipedia...

Jo du sa det..

200 på bakhjulen är mer än 400 på forumet!

Random Hero
4 047 Inlägg
30 september 2009
Holiace skrev:
Some of the first V6-cars were built in 1905 by Marmon. Marmon was something of a V-Specialist which began with V2-engines, then built V4's and V6's, later V8's and in the 30's Marmon was one of the few car-makers of the world which ever built a V16 car. är från Wikipedia...

ja mena inte dej när ja skrev det utan det vär tänkt till TS, sry om de blev missförstånd

Dog food lid. Backwards
