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S15 DAY - ALL DAY ;) All IN!!!

1 mars 2012
Yes, today I had a blast in a Nissan Silvia S15 ;)
My friend John's White beast.

Let me introduce you to the car in question!

This is all about simplicity, not the lowest one or the biggest engine or mods.
It's all in the details.
I just like everything about it, I would actually see a set of white TE37's on it but that's just me and remove the eyelids ;)
Such as the Vertex kit.
It flows very well with the car I think.

I love it from every angle.

The character of the engine as well, did not take any pictures of it!
But when I got inside of the car i had to admit, it felt good.

The feeling of driving it was so good, I really liked how the gearbox and clutch felt.
Really soft and so easy, I did not miss any gear as I did the last time I drove a other friends Mitsubishi Evolution.

When the boost got me I was in such a good mood.
So easy to handle, and easy going car.

This car is almost stock, but not any lag at all.
Just so smooth and easy.
I do now really get the feeling of driving a Silvia S15 Spec R.

This car is one that I know will be seen at Wangan Meet here in Sweden.
I'm the lucky one here, becuse I have alot of friends with awesome cars.

All the pictures are taken of ME and ME only!

The Japanese invasion is here, for instance we have alot of Skylines over here.
As you could see in my other blog from Ring Knutstorp with NOGS.
So for you all wanna check that out as well.

This blog is a shout out to my friends in the US.
Hope you enjoy reading this as much as I like writing this for you.

Greetings from me over here, to you over there my dear friends.
Rajeet,Josh and many more!

Ursäkta att jag skriver på engelska, men ibland finns det fler än bara svenskar som läser.
Ska ju även kunna visa upp denna bloggen för mina vänner i USA med, det är därför.
Men ni alla kan ju engelska med.
Skriver resten av denna bloggen idag i engelska så dem kan läsa med.

Denna kommer ni kunna se på Wangan Meet.
Är så tacksam att man kunde fota denna idag samt kört den med, känslan var så sjukt god.

Aldrig kört en mer lättkörd bil faktiskt som beter sig EXAKT som man vill.
Vill tacka JOHN med för DU är en bra vän och även lät mig testköra din skönhet ;)

Alla bilder är tagna av mig med min Canon EOS 1000D :)
Men planerar uppgradera till en 550D sen när man ska börja filma, vad tror ni om det?

Asbra dag idag med.
Nej nu ska jag dra vidare en runda, men vi ses kanske på Elmia? :)
Wangan Meet Represent ;)
