22 juni 2009
Jag säljer min bärbara dator på blocket.
Och får ett mail som ser ut såhär:
I saw your advert and i'm really interested in buying your laptop,
the price 7100,00 is well okay for me. Please get back to me to
finalise transfer. Hope to read from you soonest.
Jag svarar att det ska förskottsbetalas in på mitt konto innan jag skickar några saker
Och får dethär som svar:
My Name is ***** ******, i will like to buy and ship the laptop to my son internationally. Get back to me with the following information so that i can make the payment immediately via Bank transfer:
Bank Name:
Account Number:
Name of the Item:
Cost of the item including shipping cost through TNT Global Express (EMS Speed Post) or Deutsche Registered Priority post:
This is the address of my son who will receive the item in internationally
Name: **** **** ****
Address:No. ** *** ****,
Nigeria (234036)
I'll wait for your reply
Hope to read from you soonest."
Jag svara att det går väll att ordna. Men att jag ska kolla på det imorgon.
"pls i need to know this as soon as possible and also pls send me all ur account info so as to transfer the money for you ok with the shipment money ok hear from you soon."
Han verkar väldigt angelägen att betala.
Vad tror ni?