Kom på ford pinto som explodera när man körde in i den bakifrån, de e la värre än Skoda pickup iaf.
Skulle kostat Ford 11$ att fixa felet för Ford men de tyckte de va onödigt
Något jag märkt är att en förbluffande majoritet är misslyckade amerikanska projekt. Som pinton, pacer då. Ford Explorer vars Firestone däck exploderade vid motorvägsfart, osv.
En och annan italiensk och fransk bil har smugit sig in också, vad sägs om Fiat Strada som hade en färg som hette "rostbrun" som tillval, nice.
Renault Dauphene 0-100 på 32 sek, riktigt nice
"One of the best selling cars in the 70s is famous for something much worse than a plastic bubble and three wheels. It was involved in a serious safety scandal. Ford's main problem with the Pinto was the fuel tank, which would burst into flames in the event of a rear-end collision. Of course, Ford management knew all about the problem, so they made a little cost-benefit analysis to decide whether to fix the problem or just to leave it as it was. You can look at the famous and often mentioned analysis below:
Savings: 180 burn deaths, 180 serious burn injuries, 2,100 burned vehicles. Unit Cost: $200,000 per death, $67,000 per injury, $700 per vehicle.
Total Benefit: 180 X ($200,000) + 180 X ($67,000) + $2,100 X ($700) = $49.5 million.
Sales: 11 million cars, 1.5 million light trucks.
Unit Cost: $11 per car, $11 per truck.
Total Cost: 11,000,000 X ($11) + 1,500,000 X ($11) = $137 million.
As you can see, Ford management came to a conclusion that it was much cheaper to pay the law suits, medical expenses, certain amounts for pain and suffering, in a total amount of $49.5 mio. Comparing it with $137 mio. for fixing the tank, it is absolutely logical they decided not to! Right?"
http://www.automotoportal.com/article/W … _ever_made