För en stund satt jag och skrev ett surt mail till Minisport då de, enligt telefonsamtal i måndags, ännu inte hade skickat den första delen av ordern vilket de sa att de skulle ha gjort för exakt en vecka sedan. Plötsligt sa det "pling" i telefonen med ett meddelande "Your items have been dispatched and will arrive on this Friday". De kände nog av min frustration med andra ord. Jag hann turligt nog inte skicka det syrliga mailet.
När prylarna anländer så ska sömmarna smackas på illa kvickt. Sen lämnas allt till lackering!
På hemmafronten har jag fått kontakt med jänken som i själva verket var en kanadick, Ontario för att vara mer exakt. Han beskrev hur kamaxlar mm skulle packas för att undvika skador på prylarna. Ehh...
"These are my standard shipping instructions. Please read them carefully. Wrap each cam tightly in AT LEAST 8-10 pages of newspaper. Tape them together. Wrap and tape them in cardboard. Put them in a box packed tight with crumpled newspaper. No styrofoam please. It doesn't work and it’s messy. If you are shipping the cam sprocket as well, separate it from the cam and wrap it the same way with newspaper and cardboard. If they move in the box, they will get damaged. I have seen many damaged cams and sprockets in the past and this should prevent that. It will then all fit in a 12” x 12” x 5 1/2” USPS flat rate box and save a considerable amount on the shipping. Make sure to tape it well around its perimeter because the boxes are not very good."
Sagt och gjort. Men vem har tidningspapper nu för tiden? Man läser ju allt digitalt numera. Nåja, jag fick ragga tag på tidningspapper men nu tog silvertejpen slut. Lär surra in rubbet rejält med silvertejp på anrådan av the Canadian. Får se vad frakten landar på.
På återseende!
• • • TRANSLATION • • • Reply to post: Great opportunity to upgrade pistons and connecting rods then. Swift engines respond well to forced induction.
For a moment, I was composing a bitter email to Minisport.com as they, according to a phone call on Monday, hadn't yet dispatched the first part of the order, which they claimed to have done exactly a week ago. Suddenly, the phone went "ping" with a message "Your items have been dispatched and will arrive this Friday." They probably sensed my frustration, in other words. Fortunately, I didn't manage to send that acidic email.
When the items arrive, the seams will be quickly put on. Then everything will be handed over for painting!
On the home front, I've been in touch with the Yankee, who, in reality, was a Canadian, Ontario to be more precise. He described how camshafts, etc., should be packed to avoid damage to the items. Uh-huh...
"These are my standard shipping instructions. Please read them carefully. Wrap each cam tightly in AT LEAST 8-10 pages of newspaper. Tape them together. Wrap and tape them in cardboard. Put them in a box packed tight with crumpled newspaper. No styrofoam please. It doesn't work and it’s messy. If you are shipping the cam sprocket as well, separate it from the cam and wrap it the same way with newspaper and cardboard. If they move in the box, they will get damaged. I have seen many damaged cams and sprockets in the past and this should prevent that. It will then all fit in a 12” x 12” x 5 1/2” USPS flat rate box and save a considerable amount on the shipping. Make sure to tape it well around its perimeter because the boxes are not very good."
Said and done. But who has newspaper nowadays? Everyone reads digitally these days. Well, I managed to scrounge up some newspaper, but now the silver tape ran out. I'll probably wrap it all up tightly with silver tape as per the Canadian's advice. Let's see where the shipping cost lands.