
Inför: Delorean Event Sep 2010 Luxemburg

Live the dream
358 Inlägg
20 januari 2010
Delorean Event Sep 2010 130,94EUR

Arrival: Thursday :16-09-2010
Register starts at 15.00 hotel Vianden
Address: 74-80 Grand Reu
8401 Vianden Luxemburg
Tel: 00352-834574
€159,90 for three nights and includes breakfast and 2 time dinner and one lunch.
The price is pro person.
Dinner starts at 20.00 hour

Friday : 17-09-2010
Breakfast is from 7.30 am
Start of the tour is at 9.00
Hotton Belgium, in this town follow the signs Grottes Hotton.
Address: Chemin du spéléoclub 1 6990 Hotton sur Ourthe (Belgique)
Arrival: 11.15

Start: 13.00

Lunch 13.30
Address : Restaurant Eauberge
21 Briscol
6997 Erezee (Belgique)
start: 14.45

Arrival: 14.55
Defroidmont Chocolatier, includes tour
Briscol 19A
6997 Erezée, (Belgique)

Start: 16.30
To Hotel : Auberge-du-chateau
74-80 Grand Reu
8401 Vianden Luxemburg

Arrival: 18.30

Dinner: 20.00

Saturday 18-09-2010
Start at 9.30 to Castle Vianden (Photo time).
10.00 entree

Start: 12.15

Lunch : 12.45
74-80 Grand Reu
8401 Vianden Luxemburg

Start: 14.00
To Musée National des Mines
Carreau de la mine Walert
L-3714 Rumelange

Arrival: 15.30

16.00 Train tour down in the mine.
Start : 17.30

Back to Hotel
20.00 German Dinner
1 Grand-Rue Vianden
www.cafedupont.lu The best spot in town.

Sunday: 19-09-2010

Breakfast: 9.00
Start 11.00

Arrival: 11.30
Brunch du Dimanche
Hotel Koener
14, Grand-Rue
L-9701 Clervaux

This is the end of the tour in Luxembourg and Belgium, we hope you all have time to come and join this big group of European Delorean owners.
For any questions you can call:
Ed Uding Tel:0031614747281
Wouter Koetsier Tel: 0031612738790

The price for the Hotel includes breakfast, twice dinner and one lunch.
The costs are 159,90 pro person for 3 nights.
A single room is 36 euro extra for 3 nights.
This you can pay on the event itself, we would only like to know what kind of the room/rooms you want (single or double).
All the drinks are at your own cost.

The price you pay now is for the event, the hotel itself you pay on the weekend.
All the entrees include lunch/ brunch & dinner costs €130,94

Free entry to:
Grottes de hotton
Restaurant Eauberge lunch
Defroidmont Chocolatier
Lunch Auberge-du-chateau
Musée National des Mines
German Dinee cafe du pont
Brunch du Dimanche

I want to die in my sleep like my grandfather..
Not screaming and yelling like the passengers in his car....
"DeLorean DMC-12 -82 Vin#10429"
Min bil underhålls här!!
