Supersonyc Driver Trelleborg


3 december 2011

ok,i hope you will come back to sweden i the future=)i hope you will get right papers and documents to live here i sweden=)yes its going to be great next year with a new little cute child=) its a boy who waiting for us=)thanks dude=)

30 november 2011

yo dude=)how are you?do you live in sweden yet? i have good news for you man=)next year at may im going to have a child=)

12 november 2011

Yeah, it's terrible :(

9 november 2011

This crisis is terrible, hope it will be quiet soon!

9 november 2011

Not yet, seen the new Mercedes? Looks ugly.

9 november 2011

I never liked that truck anyway, automatic box that played their own lives. Great.

9 november 2011

Someone bought the truck for a week or two ago and I was surprised that it was there.

20 oktober 2011

yeah nice, but dont you get it about the jews? it's a joke.. everyone that has big companyes are jews hehe.. well my company is small and it will keep on being untill i wont move the business to another country like many other swedes did

20 oktober 2011

nothing atm... today i delivered a car in Uppsala... i use to buy and sell cars too... im doin' everything that brings money :) (don't call me a jew)

20 oktober 2011

yeah i kinda know that.. same here.. u have to change ur tires when the winter/summer season comes :P how are u anyway? all good or bad? hehe

20 oktober 2011

tell ur boss to buy a anti-radar device on the car :P.. i have it on my van.. but in here the cops are wery rare on the streets but its still good to have it :)

20 oktober 2011

allright.. if u say so.. btw.. what do u work with? :P

19 oktober 2011

why do u like dacia so much? did u ever owned another car brand then dacia? ;) and second cars arent expensive at all in here compared to many other countryes.. how much does a volvo s40 cost in ur country? if there are any.

19 oktober 2011

hi... so when will u have ur own car?

13 oktober 2011

cool=)how do you like to live in sweden=)?

1 oktober 2011

yo dude=)how are you? Do you live in sweden now=)?i hope you like it=)

29 september 2011

i hope you enjoying sweden =)

16 september 2011

Thank you for your comment, that was sweet :)

13 september 2011

Yeah not everyday one have to talk to older ppl, hehe

13 september 2011

Hey there dude, im alright =) Ah sounds realy nice! probably a good place to start at the capitol of Sweden =) and then learn propper Swedish, almost everyone in Sweden can english, might be some older that cant talk it properly =) altho we are not used to talk it hehe =)

Sågs senast: 2013-11-03 12:48
Medlem sedan: 30 juni 2009
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