850 HP 632 BBC Warrior Chevy Truck from Nelson Racing Engines 07:03
NRE's Tom Nelson takes a walk around this simple looking truck and better yet, takes us on a test drive. Lots of smoke and definately a lot of fun. I got my IPOD files at http://nelsonracingengines.com and http://nelsonsupercars.com and http://nretv.com. Ok to download and use.

1710 visningar
Videon publicerades p Garaget 19 april 2011
fr 14 r sedan
haha fyfan va han lter nr han ska snacka om avgasrret 0:42 haha:D
fr 14 r sedan
Nelson e fan sjuka.. :D
fr 14 r sedan
vilken motor
fr 14 r sedan
Det DÄR r manligt!
fr 14 r sedan
Ja. kan man lugnt sga. Betydligt manligare n min lilla skit bil xD
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