Osaka Street Drift with Team Burst 08:07
When we went to Japan with DSPORT we headed to Osaka and met up with the D-Max crew who organised a night out with the legendary Team Burst. This feature was run in MOtive DVD #1 www.motivedvd.com

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Videon publicerades p Garaget 13 juni 2011
fr 14 r sedan
S galet jvla coolt! :D
fr 14 r sedan
F*N vad frckt!!! :D
fr 14 r sedan
det r vl det vi gr p vintrarna*L*
fr 14 r sedan
Finns hr iallafall, Militrens och gamla WRC strckan utanfr stan :-D PÅ vinterntterna s r det fullt s dr
fr 14 r sedan
Niice :)
fr 14 r sedan
vad heter lten som spelas vid 7 minuter ca??
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