errari 288 GTO Rebody at Bonneville Salt Flats - World's Fastest Ferrari 275.4 mph 03:31
This is the fastest Ferrari in the world. It currently holds the AA\BFMS record at 275.4mph. This was done with a down run of 276.152mph and a return run of 274.650mph. Unofficially the car has gone 292.3mph a couple years ago under different conditions. The car is powered by a 540 cubic inch BBC with twin Borg Warner 80mm turbo. The... Visa mer

1228 visningar
Videon publicerades p Garaget 16 oktober 2011
fr 13 r sedan
Tar sig ju inte ens ivg sjlv, vrdelst.
fr 13 r sedan
Kanske kan bero p utvxlingen?
fr 13 r sedan
Beror ng p kopplingen fr en koppling som ska betta i dom hastigheterna r inte ltt att komma ivg med och d vill man spara p den s gott det gr
fr 13 r sedan
443km/h r rtt lagom =)
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