[Fekzen.se] - BMW Cup Sweden. Ett varv på Gelleråsen, Karlskoga. 02:02
Kundprojekt: Följ med en av de som tävlar i årets BMW Cup i en E46 323i BMW Cup banracingbil. En M52B25 där en hel del funktioner programmerats bort och fysiskt tagits bort för att spara vikt. Fekzen StandAlone lösning med original styrsystem, mappad för 98 oktan. Varvar 72oo rpm även utan någon hastighetssigan till styrboxen :) Engine... Visa mer

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Videon publicerades på Garaget 9 augusti 2016
för 9 år sedan
Most engines has this lower revlimiter which cuts in when speedsignal is missing. But on engines with more power its even lower. Normally located somewhere around 5ooo - 55oo rpm. Rgds A
för 9 år sedan
Hi mister, When missing speedsignal the ECU gets in to a mode where the revlimiter is lowered. This is due to that you shouldnt be able to just cut the speedsignal and then run above speedlimit at 250 km/h. So they did measure on which revs you're at when reaching 250 km/h on highest gear. In this case the engine M52B25 has this second revlimiter at the same value as the stock revlimiter 65oo rpm. This client actually had his car tuned on an other tuningcompany before he came to me and they couldnt manage to raise his revlimiter higher. It was still stock even though they did higher it , due to the lower fault speed signal limiter. Also there is some other things removed here to be able to save weight such as EWS system etc. The chassis is totally stripped out. Rgds A.Fekzen
för 9 år sedan
Why is it special, that it can rev to 7200 because it lacks a speed signal to the ecu? I can't connect that with logic
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