
Subaru Impreza 2.0 GT S (2000)

taway har haft bilen sedan augusti 2008

15 082 visningar (1 idag)
Uppdaterad 23 juni 2013
Skapad 29 september 2008
  • Effekt / Vridmoment
    hk / Nm
  • Motor, vxellda och avgassystem
    Piggy Back ECU, Walbro fuelpump, FMIC and some other stuff.

    6spd gearbox with DCCD, LSD rear diff etc

    Customized HKS Silent Hi-Power
  • Effekt och prestanda (ingende)
    Always room for more...
  • Chassi
    Momo front strut brace
    Uprated bushings (in progress)
    H&R springs
  • Flgar, dck och bromsar
    Rims: 17" OZ Racing Superturismo GT (or copy)
    Brakes: Uprated
  • Interir / Inredning
    Custom centre console
    Gauges for boost and voltage only at the moment
    Bucket seats
  • Bilstereo och multimedia
    Head unit:

    Front speakers:

    Luggage space disco:

    Power amp:

    Karaoke system:
    Ehh... no?
  • Exterir / Styling
    Black stroked after market headlights
    "Afterburner LED" rear lights
    STi V6 wing
    Clear glass indicators
    Stone damaged front and some scratches to match :)
    Aluminium hood with carbon fibre look-a-like wrapping
    Custom air intake channel
  • Framtidsplaner
    Plans for upgrades and styling when I find some spare time...

    C-Mod 3 piece front lip
    Sensors/meters for oil temperature/pressure, exhaust, gearbox oil etc..
    Bigger turbo, new ECU, better BTR and larger injectors

    Wishlist for the future
    2.2l or 2.5l engine swap
    Quick steering rack
    Roll cage
    New paint on the whole car, even inside and engine bay.
    Both oil and fuel catch tanks
  • vrigt
    A lot of thanks to!
    Ola, construction help and time in the garage!
    Mattias, my mechanical and engine hero. Knows everything worth knowing!
    Nice and helpful people from the Swedish Subaru Club (SSC)
    All the crazy and funny people at Team Insane Racing
    Everyone else that have helped me. No one mentioned, no one forgotten :)
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