

Medlem sedan
10 mars 2009
Senaste besöket
10 mars 2009


för 13 år sedan
It seems to have US-spec. Has it? Nice car. I just bought a 9000turbo16S, (watch my profile), that was sold via International diplomate sales (IDS) to Luxemburg when it was new. It also has the US-spec, thow it was sold in Europe. Is there som connection with the way it was sold, you think, regarding the US-spec?
för 14 år sedan
Great Autobahn cruiser
för 14 år sedan
Such a nice classic
för 14 år sedan
Nice! Not often I see a complete set of factory saab/clarion components. They use a special harness wich is a hard to get item. I had the former CD-Cartridge system in my convertible i had before. I'm rather impressed. / Daniel from Trollhättan.
för 16 år sedan
Nice Car ;)
för 16 år sedan
köpt bil i holland?
för 16 år sedan
I love it!!
för 16 år sedan
looks nice...
för 16 år sedan
ser otroligt fräsch ut
