
Corvette -66 projekt

corvette coupe -66. totalobjekt. skall bli enkomplett renovering, med ombyggnationer av chassit. men orginalutseendet skall bevaras. lättat och andra material. BB427 tri-power och 4vxl. manuell.

261 458 Visningar
Uppdaterades senast 8 juli 2019
283 Inlägg
15 mars 2018
Alla 5 kofångarbitarna färdiga. grundade, färdiga för foliering. Skall vattenslipa en runda till. Provmontering imorron. o sen iväg till foliering på måndag.
många timmar innan det blev så här...


Ain't no place like home...
4 640 Inlägg
16 mars 2018
Kommer vara SÅ värt det i slutändan dock!

Autopilot: På.
Projekt: Skogsmulle on a budget

283 Inlägg
16 mars 2018
Då var det provmonterat. gick inte helt smärtfritt. Krävde en del justerande. behöver fortfarande fundera på de sista justeringaran skall gå till.
Bra, men inte helt nöjd......
Men absolut bättre passform än originalen....
Bäst blev bak. fram har svårare 3D geometri.....






3 409 Inlägg
16 mars 2018
Blir ju kanon:-)!!

964 Inlägg
17 mars 2018
Ser ut att bli perfekt ,ett jädra jobb du gjort där,plasta upp bitar är inte helt lätt

283 Inlägg
18 mars 2018
Tackar !
Nu börjar det se ut som en komplett bil.....
men mer kvar att göra under...


283 Inlägg
23 mars 2018
Fredagsnöje : ljusinställning.
Inte direkt LED-ljus. mer av karaktären ledljus. Blir ingen rallykörning i värmlandsskogaran med den här.
Får duga.....


6 Inlägg
26 mars 2018
Nice work, nice car, thanks for sharing but hey, check out the front parking lights, need to turn they 90 deg. Sure will become cool car when done, keep us posted, tnx.
Senast redigerat av MY66ISBB (26 mars 2018)

283 Inlägg
26 mars 2018
Ok, thanks for the observation. Now corrected. Strangely the left side was correct assembled..... must have been tired that evening......
to be continued.
By the way, can you follow the Swedish ? or you use google translate ?
best regards

6 Inlägg
28 mars 2018
chris_gson skrev:
Ok, thanks for the observation. Now corrected. Strangely the left side was correct assembled..... must have been tired that evening......
to be continued.
By the way, can you follow the Swedish ? or you use google translate ?
best regards

Lenses are just a small detail but must be correct way, You know smile  Very very nice work with the fiberglass bumpers and carbon fiber hood. The 66 BB hood is cooles I know but the holes on it are very small or even too small for a good air flow. Function of your hood is like in L88, they do not work as engine cooling system so, take care that hot air has space enough to come out of the engine bay. The Al -plate below air cleaner will warm up and that beautiful Tri-Power setup do not get cool air like you hope. That was only my opinion and am sure you are already thinking about that. Is the engine real L71? Stance is good, please keep it.

I do not speak your language also but,, jag kan skriva liten svenska men fattar ingenting,, I will try.

283 Inlägg
28 mars 2018
MY66ISBB skrev:
chris_gson skrev:
Ok, thanks for the observation. Now corrected. Strangely the left side was correct assembled..... must have been tired that evening......
to be continued.
By the way, can you follow the Swedish ? or you use google translate ?
best regards

Lenses are just a small detail but must be correct way, You know smile  Very very nice work with the fiberglass bumpers and carbon fiber hood. The 66 BB hood is cooles I know but the holes on it are very small or even too small for a good air flow. Function of your hood is like in L88, they do not work as engine cooling system so, take care that hot air has space enough to come out of the engine bay. The Al -plate below air cleaner will warm up and that beautiful Tri-Power setup do not get cool air like you hope. That was only my opinion and am sure you are already thinking about that. Is the engine real L71? Stance is good, please keep it.

I do not speak your language also but,, jag kan skriva liten svenska men fattar ingenting,, I will try.

well, we spent quite much time analyzing air flow within engine bay. There is a lot of air dividers and flow directors to get air below, and opened up below-under. The hood is only thought to be a fresh air provider. We know the area through the air vents are small so  The back up is to open up more area in the rear (as L88) + have direct air tubes from front into air filter base. The whole car is set up with a multitude of sensors, temp, pressure, air/fuel ratio, engine control. somewhat +25 sensors. So after first test runs a visit to the chassie dyno is scheduled. that will tell us more.....
The whole set up is very much test and try... and it will need some time to sort out.
Further more, did you notice that I am running E85 ? the increased fuel flow will cool down a little. but there is a risk of perculation. but we have to measure first. But we have an eye on it.....but the engine is running extremely cool....
That big lump of cast iron creates an enormous amount of heat, we know....... 375kg....
L71 ? you have to look closer......

283 Inlägg
30 mars 2018
Bättre att gå till garaget än till.......
Men det här blev bra. Så att till o med jag själv blev nöjd.
Dock inte bara att montera.
Ljuddämparna är 4,5''. Så skydden passade inte alls. Efter en hel del tankemöda, beslutsvånda o konsultation, så blev det att flytta ut skydden med 20mm, en Al distans profil. nya infästningspunkter o fäste både fram o bak. utanpå kom en skyddslist som döljer skruvar.
Nu har jag ca. 5-7cm under mitten av bilen.
Bra !
Nu är det dags att knäcka en pava vin. En av de bättre sorterna.
Ha en bra Påsk !


Ain't no place like home...
4 640 Inlägg
30 mars 2018
Den e så äckligt jävla snygg, den där bilen...!
Skål för tusan! Välförtjänt är bara förnamnet 😀

Autopilot: På.
Projekt: Skogsmulle on a budget

6 Inlägg
6 april 2018
Yes I noticed that you will run with an E85 but I thought it was a plan, didn't know you already use it. E85 is very good with high compression or boosted engine. You can run up to 25 psi of boost without an intercooler or overheating issues. Air/fuel -ratio must to be adjusted correctly or you will get some oil issues but an engine will sure run extremely cool as you mentioned.

That big lump of cast iron is best what you can do with your 66. LS is a big NO, old school BB is a very big YES in a c2.

I didn't see any casting numbers even I tried very hard to look closer, not sure if you meant that but any way if the block is 351, please, keep is safe.
I looked a videos in youtube and the 66 looks and sounds very good. What you think about the sound, is it loud or very loud?
With a side pipes may have a problem to get a good flow and not too loud sound at the same time.

What it rear end ratio in your 66? maybe it was there but didn't notice
edit: bakaxel : 3,70:1

Add more picture please, thanks for sharing and keep us posted
Senast redigerat av MY66ISBB (6 april 2018)

283 Inlägg
7 april 2018
Hi again, and thanks for your notes !
Well, it is not a real -67, a 351 block will be just to take a very big risk. and this thing is meant to be driven. So, it is dressed up to be a -67, but block is a 454 marine block, bored .100over. still 3,75 stroke, so total of 447. heads are Merlin cast iron. so the whole engine is very heavy. And further plans would be to put in a complete AL-engine (like ZL-1), but first I have to get the thing working. I have prepped the whole car with a lot of sensors and measurement equipment, so at chassi dyno test, we will learn more about how everything will read. Air/fuel ratio is measured. And we have sensors and already measured backpressure on free reving, almost no response on pressure. Really difficult to measure, but we have good experience and a working position and sensor. Dyno will show. The sidepipes are built with a lot of experience. A friend have same installed on -66 with SB, and it passed annual safety inspection. But this is more loud with BB and close to 12:1 in comp. Inspection here is somewhat of a subjective evaluation. So it is just to go in and test. If don't pass, we have prepared to put in restrictions in the pipe, just for safety inspection. We have made a reference measurement with a static sound pressure, for reference. I will report how it will go. If all goes well now, I plan on making the safety test during April.
rear end is 3,70, and matched to engine at max. 6000rpm will give max. speed at 180-190.... I have several other rear ends with other ratios, depending on what will be driven....
More pictures will follow as I proceed
best regards !

6 Inlägg
11 april 2018
Hello,  Iron engine is sure heavy, but ZL1 -style all aluminum 427ci is very expencive (if it matter) but still is quite small as BB. How about an all aluminum 540ci? it's as light as SB but still low deck and fit under original bb hood.
Are you going to race this car or what's your plan?
What kind of tires you are going to use? I guess you will get a lot of smoke with the tires which are now on the car.
I am very interested to see and hear more about the side pipe, mufflers you made by yourself, then you know more after dyno session.
Style of the car is perfect and a color is maybe the best one.

283 Inlägg
12 april 2018
Thanks for your comments !
AL 427, yes, expensive, but nothing beats an real 427..... Money sure is a concern, thats why I waited and want to get car ready before a possible different engine. An alternative block is a either Dart/Brodix. but the current level of Swedish krona agains $ makes it impossible right now..... have to wait.... and I want the low deck. and keep to the 3,75 stroke. best combination to make a big bore & 3,75 stroke. longer stroke = high internal friction and reduced lifetime......
Racing will not be on leagues or series. but we have more of club racing and test track days. I will limit it to that. Some tests on 1/4 or 1/8 is on schedule to see what can be done. Need some different setting then.
Tyres and rims is a big question mark. The ones on are for build and safety inspection and initial trials. 8'' rallye wheels.
I have several other set ups.
Intended final design have been choosen, but not yet purchased. I will go with 17'' and 235 rear. max. diam = 870-880, will be some 45/55 profile. compuond TBD. 235 rear is pretty much what is possible to tweak in with some movement play. I have some modifications inwards. So a rim with 8,5 with 15mm backspace.
front max is 7,5'' and probably 205. also 17''. here the inward distance set the max against steering system. and outward the fender. here a max. of 640-650diam. otherwise interference with inner fender at max. turning and suspended.....
by the way, on my channel on YOUTube, there is a sequence with a friend with a white -66 conv. he has the same mufflers, but with SB (377) it is different sound and noise. but gives you some reference. (it was a very windy day, so a lot of disturbing noise....)

283 Inlägg
15 april 2018
Sista delarna i inredning på plats.
Detta utan problem för en gångs skull
- armstöd med ny stoppning o vinyl. check.
- solskydd. check
- backspegel. check.
inredning klar...
närmar sig....


283 Inlägg
19 april 2018
sista delen i stötfångar projektet.....
- Det gick inte helt som jag hade tänkt mig...... (när gör det det.....)
Foliering var svårare än vad vi hade trott. Svårt med så skarpa kanter o mycket 3D ytor. Biten som sitter o håller främre reg. skylt gjordes först, i 1 stycke. den blev bra o helt som vi förväntade oss.

nästa på tur var främre vänstra. först underdel. det blev och bra o som förväntat.

men när sen ovandelen skulle läggas så släppte underlaget, o följde med tejpen upp. ridå....

så vi stoppade där för tilfället. Jag behöver göra mer produktutveckling. Det handlar om att lägga material över gelcoaten som ''etsar'' fast o som är stark vidhäftningsförmåga. Det blir att konsultera en målare.
Tills vidare är nu de målade med burkfärg. Får duga i år. kommer att tas ner i vinter.
Så direkt till montering. Inte helt nöjd med inpassningen. mer att göra där. men ändå får duga just nu....




