crillzor skrev:
Brukar vara en skruv i länkaget till växelaxeln in till lådan. Är ett spår i axeln som skruven ska nypa fast i. Måste göras underifrån mest troligt
crillzor skrev:
Eller de kanske är vajerstyrt förresten. Då kan de va glapp där
Det görs uppifrån.
Men iaf (o nej, jag orkar inte översätta)
Note: To accurately adjust the operation of the gear selector rod and shift cables on 02K transmissions, precisely machine jigs are required to set the gearchange lever in a reference position. It is recommended, therefor that this operation be entrusted to an Audi dealer.
1 Remove the air cleaner assembly.
2 With the gearchange set in the neutral posistion, push the two locking collars (one on each cable) forwards to compress the springs, turn the clockwise (
looking from the driver's seat) to lock into position.
3 Press down on the selector shaft in the top of the transmission and push the locking pin into the transmission untill it engages and the shaft cannot move.
4 Working inside the vehicle, carefully unclip the gear lever gaiter from the centre console. Still in the neutral position, move the gear lever as far to the left as possible and insert the locking pin (or use a drill bit) through the hole in the base of the gear lever and into the hole in the housing.
5 Working back in the engine bay, turn the two locking collars on the cables anticlockwise so that the springs will release them back into position and lock the cables.
6 With the cable adjustment set, the locking pin can now be pulled back out of the transmission into its original position.
7 Inside the cehicle, remove the locking pin from the gear lever, then check the operation of selector mechanism. When the gear lever is at rest in neutral, it should be central ready to select 3rd or 4th. The gear lever gaiter can now be refitted to centre console.
8 Refit the air cleaner assembly
(källa; någon pdf från nätet)
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Har du en 1.8 så ska du då inte ha 02K-lådan
Det kan dock behövas justeras på själva väljaren på lådan, genom att flytta bulten som sitter på armen. Här är det dock "trail and error" som gäller. Men det går (gjort på 3st).
Men visst, det kan vara glapp också i det hela.