
Hjälp med felkoder och orsak vw passat 1.8 -99

75 Inlägg
30 augusti 2015
Har nu felsökt min passat 1.8 årsm 99 och fått fram följande felkoder


Skulle behöva hjälp att tyda dessa samt orsak till dem. En kompis sa det var luftmassemätaren men jag drog ur kontakten till denna och bilen gick riktigt dåligt.

10 388 Inlägg
30 augusti 2015
robin0035 skrev:
Har nu felsökt min passat 1.8 årsm 99 och fått fram följande felkoder


Skulle behöva hjälp att tyda dessa samt orsak till dem. En kompis sa det var luftmassemätaren men jag drog ur kontakten till denna och bilen gick riktigt dåligt.

16500/P0116/000278 - Engine Coolant Temp. Sensor (G62): Implausible Signal

Possible Symptoms

Starting the engine when engine is warmish or warm, idle rpm immediately is 1200 - 3000 rpm.
Diesel: an indication is extreme long time burning time of the glow indication light.
With all engine temperatures seldom idle rpm will vary between 900 - 1000 rpm.
With engine warm (90 °C) the engine temperature suddenly drops (70 °C) and slowly comes back to 90 °C.

Possible Causes

Wiring and/or connections faulty
Engine Coolant Sensor (G62) faulty

Possible Solutions
Check wiring and connections
Replace Engine Coolant Sensor (G62)

Special Notes
In MY 1995-2002 (?) in Europe at VW-cars the G2/G62 had the bad reputation of breaking down often. The default G2/G62 is black and all replacements are green.
Check if the correct Coolant Fan Control Module/Relay is installed (check part number using parts catalogue)!

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17978/P1570/005488 - Engine Start Blocked by Immobilizer

Possible Symptoms

Engine starting but stalling immediately

Possible Causes

Key(s) not matched
Instrument Cluster not matched
Engine Control Unit (ECU) not matched
Engine Control Unit (ECU) Power Supply faulty

Possible Solutions

Check for Fault Codes in Immobilizer itself (part of Instrument Cluster in many cars, but separate Immobilizer Control Module in some)
Check Immobilizer Measuring Values (usually in Instrument Cluster OR Immobilizer Control Module)
Match Key(s)/Instrument Cluster/Engine Control Unit (ECU)
Check Engine Control Unit (ECU) Power Supply (Relay)

Special Notes

In case of Engine Starting Issues please make sure that you are really experience an Immobilizer related Problem! Even if the Immobilizer engages, the Engine will still start fine but cut out after 2-3 Seconds. If you are NOT experiencing this behavior (e.g. Engine doesn't start at all) your Problem is very likely NOT Immobilizer related.
May be stored in Combination with 01176 - Key: Signal too Low in Immobilizer Control Module.
If no other immobilizer related fault codes are stored and the immobilizer related meas. blocks are fine except Engine Start not allowed, on rare occasions it helps to try cold-booting the car. Remove both battery cables from the battery. Short the battery cables together (away from the battery) for about 15 seconds. Reconnect the battery. (Example)
Low battery voltage (including a faulty battery) may cause Immobilizer system malfunctions and testing should be done only with a known good battery installed.

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16514/P0130/000304 - Oxygen (Lambda) Sensor B1 S1: Malfunction in Circuit

Possible Causes

Oxygen (Lambda) Sensor Heating Bank 1 Sensor 1 faulty

Possible Solutions

Check Oxygen (Lambda) Sensor Heating Bank 1 Sensor 1

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

17544/P1136/004406 - Fuel Trim: Bank 1 (Add): System too Lean

Possible Solutions

Check Mass Air Flow (MAF) Sensor
Check Fuel Pressure Regulator
Check Fuel Pump
Check Intake/Exhaust System for Leaks
Check Secondary Air Injection for Leaks
Check Vacuum Lines for Leaks

Special Notes

Fuel Trim Info

When this fault is stored and external vacuum leaks are not found, less obvious problems may be present:
Check Evaporative Emission (EVAP) Canister Purge Regulator Valve (N80)
Check Brake Booster and Hoses
Check Electric Vacuum Pump ( If Applicable )
Check Crankcase Ventilation System for faulty components.
When the PCV or Crankcase Ventilation System is faulty, vacuum is typically present under the oil cap and misfire faults are common.

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Är det återkommande felkoder? Har du alltså raderat dessa och de har kommit tillbaka? Om inte; börja med att radera och se om de dyker upp igen. Annars kan de ju ha legat där i 10 år.

De som säger att lycka inte kan köpas för pengar...har aldrig ägt en Audi
Shit! -What? Rollers. -No? Yep. -Shit!

75 Inlägg
30 augusti 2015
it_mutt skrev:
robin0035 skrev:
Har nu felsökt min passat 1.8 årsm 99 och fått fram följande felkoder


Skulle behöva hjälp att tyda dessa samt orsak till dem. En kompis sa det var luftmassemätaren men jag drog ur kontakten till denna och bilen gick riktigt dåligt.

16500/P0116/000278 - Engine Coolant Temp. Sensor (G62): Implausible Signal

Possible Symptoms

Starting the engine when engine is warmish or warm, idle rpm immediately is 1200 - 3000 rpm.
Diesel: an indication is extreme long time burning time of the glow indication light.
With all engine temperatures seldom idle rpm will vary between 900 - 1000 rpm.
With engine warm (90 °C) the engine temperature suddenly drops (70 °C) and slowly comes back to 90 °C.

Possible Causes

Wiring and/or connections faulty
Engine Coolant Sensor (G62) faulty

Possible Solutions
Check wiring and connections
Replace Engine Coolant Sensor (G62)

Special Notes
In MY 1995-2002 (?) in Europe at VW-cars the G2/G62 had the bad reputation of breaking down often. The default G2/G62 is black and all replacements are green.
Check if the correct Coolant Fan Control Module/Relay is installed (check part number using parts catalogue)!

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17978/P1570/005488 - Engine Start Blocked by Immobilizer

Possible Symptoms

Engine starting but stalling immediately

Possible Causes

Key(s) not matched
Instrument Cluster not matched
Engine Control Unit (ECU) not matched
Engine Control Unit (ECU) Power Supply faulty

Possible Solutions

Check for Fault Codes in Immobilizer itself (part of Instrument Cluster in many cars, but separate Immobilizer Control Module in some)
Check Immobilizer Measuring Values (usually in Instrument Cluster OR Immobilizer Control Module)
Match Key(s)/Instrument Cluster/Engine Control Unit (ECU)
Check Engine Control Unit (ECU) Power Supply (Relay)

Special Notes

In case of Engine Starting Issues please make sure that you are really experience an Immobilizer related Problem! Even if the Immobilizer engages, the Engine will still start fine but cut out after 2-3 Seconds. If you are NOT experiencing this behavior (e.g. Engine doesn't start at all) your Problem is very likely NOT Immobilizer related.
May be stored in Combination with 01176 - Key: Signal too Low in Immobilizer Control Module.
If no other immobilizer related fault codes are stored and the immobilizer related meas. blocks are fine except Engine Start not allowed, on rare occasions it helps to try cold-booting the car. Remove both battery cables from the battery. Short the battery cables together (away from the battery) for about 15 seconds. Reconnect the battery. (Example)
Low battery voltage (including a faulty battery) may cause Immobilizer system malfunctions and testing should be done only with a known good battery installed.

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16514/P0130/000304 - Oxygen (Lambda) Sensor B1 S1: Malfunction in Circuit

Possible Causes

Oxygen (Lambda) Sensor Heating Bank 1 Sensor 1 faulty

Possible Solutions

Check Oxygen (Lambda) Sensor Heating Bank 1 Sensor 1

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

17544/P1136/004406 - Fuel Trim: Bank 1 (Add): System too Lean

Possible Solutions

Check Mass Air Flow (MAF) Sensor
Check Fuel Pressure Regulator
Check Fuel Pump
Check Intake/Exhaust System for Leaks
Check Secondary Air Injection for Leaks
Check Vacuum Lines for Leaks

Special Notes

Fuel Trim Info

When this fault is stored and external vacuum leaks are not found, less obvious problems may be present:
Check Evaporative Emission (EVAP) Canister Purge Regulator Valve (N80)
Check Brake Booster and Hoses
Check Electric Vacuum Pump ( If Applicable )
Check Crankcase Ventilation System for faulty components.
When the PCV or Crankcase Ventilation System is faulty, vacuum is typically present under the oil cap and misfire faults are common.

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Är det återkommande felkoder? Har du alltså raderat dessa och de har kommit tillbaka? Om inte; börja med att radera och se om de dyker upp igen. Annars kan de ju ha legat där i 10 år.

Raderade felkoderna som du sa och det som kom tillbaka var temp sensorn och lambda

10 388 Inlägg
31 augusti 2015
robin0035 skrev:
Raderade felkoderna som du sa och det som kom tillbaka var temp sensorn och lambda

Att tempsensorn ger upp är inte vidare ovanligt på vags motorer faktiskt. Men då har du ju hittat vad som felar smile

De som säger att lycka inte kan köpas för pengar...har aldrig ägt en Audi
Shit! -What? Rollers. -No? Yep. -Shit!

75 Inlägg
31 augusti 2015
Så nu är tempsensorn bytt och bilen startar betydligt lättare men den går oroligt. Ska beställa en ny lambda så den felkoden också försvinner.

Är det den lamda man ser när man kollar ner till vänster brevid motorn (sett framifrån) som ska bytas?
