Motorn urplockad i tisdags, inlämnad till motorverkstad i onsdags. Idag torsdag körde jag inom och lämnade en pärm med manual mm och då var minsann motorn delvis riven och en diagnos ställd: vevstakslager och ramlager är kassa. Det var tyvärr inte tillräckligt med olja även på motorns undersida, dvs på vevstakarna enligt Risto på motorverkstaden. Jag är mycket tacksam att han redan kikat på motorn och ställt diagnos. Nåja, nu tar vi det därifrån. Oljepump är beställd. Jag har också bett dem att ändå dubbelkolla med endoskop i cylinderloppen och förhoppningsvis utesluta eventuella skador där, nu när allting ändå är nerplockat. I annat fall blir det till att riva av toppen och se över cylindrarna mer noggrant.
Jag letade i de tidigare fotoalbumen efter bilder på just dessa delar. De bilder jag hittade på kolvar och vevstakar var på den tiden då jag fotograferade i svartvitt. De var dessutom de absolut sista två bilderna jag tog i svartvitt (inlägg från 5 februari 2019, sidan 4), innan jag började fotografera i färg. Spooky. Försöker historien säga mig någonting?
• • • TRANSLATION • • •
Reply to post: Well... it feels like the angle of the engine shouldn't matter that much. They are not heavily angled in all cars Suzuki has installed them, right...? 🤔 Feels more like something else is amiss, but we'll see what the autopsy shows!
Well fought anyway, nice to see that the flame still burns! (Fueled by hatred and contempt perhaps, but still... 🙈)
Reply to post: Sad setbacks, but let's focus on the positive. Really exciting that it started! 😊
Reply to post: The angle of the engine can't have any significance, as long as it's not upside down... I mean, then the engine would completely collapse if you park on a steep hill.
The engine was removed on Tuesday, submitted to the engine workshop on Wednesday. Today, Thursday, I stopped by and left a folder with manuals, etc., and by then, the engine was partially disassembled, and a diagnosis was made: connecting rod and main bearings are bad. Unfortunately, there wasn't enough oil even on the underside of the engine, i.e., on the connecting rods, according to Risto at the engine workshop. I am very grateful that he has already inspected the engine and made a diagnosis. Well, now we take it from there. An oil pump is ordered. I have also asked them to double-check with an endoscope in the cylinder bores and hopefully exclude any damage there, now that everything is already disassembled. Otherwise, it will be necessary to remove the top and inspect the cylinders more thoroughly.
I searched the previous photo albums for pictures of these particular parts. The pictures I found of pistons and connecting rods were from the time when I photographed in black and white. They were also the very last two pictures I took in black and white (post from February 5, 2019, page 4), before I started photographing in color. Spooky. Is history trying to tell me something?
Jag letade i de tidigare fotoalbumen efter bilder på just dessa delar. De bilder jag hittade på kolvar och vevstakar var på den tiden då jag fotograferade i svartvitt. De var dessutom de absolut sista två bilderna jag tog i svartvitt (inlägg från 5 februari 2019, sidan 4), innan jag började fotografera i färg. Spooky. Försöker historien säga mig någonting?
• • • TRANSLATION • • •
Reply to post: Well... it feels like the angle of the engine shouldn't matter that much. They are not heavily angled in all cars Suzuki has installed them, right...? 🤔 Feels more like something else is amiss, but we'll see what the autopsy shows!
Well fought anyway, nice to see that the flame still burns! (Fueled by hatred and contempt perhaps, but still... 🙈)
Reply to post: Sad setbacks, but let's focus on the positive. Really exciting that it started! 😊
Reply to post: The angle of the engine can't have any significance, as long as it's not upside down... I mean, then the engine would completely collapse if you park on a steep hill.
The engine was removed on Tuesday, submitted to the engine workshop on Wednesday. Today, Thursday, I stopped by and left a folder with manuals, etc., and by then, the engine was partially disassembled, and a diagnosis was made: connecting rod and main bearings are bad. Unfortunately, there wasn't enough oil even on the underside of the engine, i.e., on the connecting rods, according to Risto at the engine workshop. I am very grateful that he has already inspected the engine and made a diagnosis. Well, now we take it from there. An oil pump is ordered. I have also asked them to double-check with an endoscope in the cylinder bores and hopefully exclude any damage there, now that everything is already disassembled. Otherwise, it will be necessary to remove the top and inspect the cylinders more thoroughly.
I searched the previous photo albums for pictures of these particular parts. The pictures I found of pistons and connecting rods were from the time when I photographed in black and white. They were also the very last two pictures I took in black and white (post from February 5, 2019, page 4), before I started photographing in color. Spooky. Is history trying to tell me something?
Senast redigerat av martinhejdesten (29 december 2023)