25 april 2009
Jaha, det förstod jag inte, SVX har dock automatlåda orginal så jag försökte googla lite vad som gäller för Legacy och hittade detta:
If the flywheel has been removed, the flywheel
bolts must be replaced. The mounting holes are offset,
so the flywheel can only be installed in one
position. Apply a dab of high-strength thread locker
to each flywheel bolt, then lock the flywheel and
torque the flywheel bolts in a star pattern to a final
torque of 72 ± 3 Nm (52.8 ± 2.2 ft-lbs.).
Verkar som att det är samma moment där med andra ord. Och gänglåsning ska man ha.
Make sure the clutch disk is properly
positioned (it’s marked ‘transmission side’ on one
side). Use a dummy shaft in the pilot bearing to
center the clutch disk, then install the pressure
plate. Torque the pressure plate bolts using a star
pattern to a final torque of 15.7 ±1.5 Nm (11.6 ±1.1
ft-lbs). The white flywheel and pressure plate dots
are also visible in this photo. From here on out, it’s
a ‘reassembly is a the reverse of disassembly’ procedure,
so we won’t retrace our steps. Make sure all
fasteners are tightened to specs along the way. If
you don’t end up with any ‘extra parts’ when
you’re done, you’ve done the job right.
Hittade momentet på tryckplattsbultarna med, vad bra...
Senast redigerat av MagnumR (25 april 2009)
Håll avståndet till bakomvarande fordon!