Hi everyone,
This seems to be forum for swedes but I hope you'll accept my little volvo here

So I have a volvo 440 or to be more specific, now it is volvo 450 as i've planted a straight-5 engine to it. Engine is from 850 and for now it's the most basic B5252s.
I made this thread to show what i've done and most importantly, to show you what i'm gonna to with the old girl next year

First some pics of how she looked last year
Aand this year
The first start for this engine on this car
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDWGP_qi-AgFirst few meters it ran on its own..
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmqU9xqflIoLittle test drive on the road
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UH1ed57ouO0What sound it makes with proper exhaust
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RrtCr1yZI7cAlso got flames:-P
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PawLaCVx7a8So i hope i have deserved a place in this forum with what i've done so far

Now about my plans. It's quite obvious, that this thing is still too slow, i mean okay it weighs about 300kg less than 850 but it still only has 144hj. Also i learnt at young age that fwd sucks. So the plans:
* engine getting rebuilt and get 20v head
* turbo
* standalone programmable ecu(probably going for MS)
* rear axle from bmw e34(yes rwd:nod:)
* front axle from bmw e36
* gearbox from bmw m30 engine(getrag 260.. already bought it:rofl:)
* etc.
Also i have a plan with the exterior, but i'll keep that as a secret for now :-D
So as you see the plans are big and probably most of you will be sceptical about this project, but i'm just gonna let you know, that i'm not the kind to throw it into the corner and never finish it :-D Tho it may take some time to finally complete it

But i have to warn you that these plans ain't gonna happen before next year(military

). But til then, i can get new ideas and to think through what's going to happen exactly

I do apologize for english but i can't neither speak or understand swedish so we'll have to get by without it