När jag pratade med Volvo-verkstan så tolkade jag det som att haldex & differentialolja i praktiken är samma sak på min fyrhhjulsdrivna bil (XC60).
När jag googlar blir jag dock bara mer förvirrad. Det här svaret gav OpenAI. Kan någon förklara? Blandar jag ihop olika saker eller är det samma?
Q: Does changing the pump & oil in a car with a haldex system mean that differential fluid is also changed? Or are they two completely different things?
A: Changing the pump and oil in a car with a Haldex system does not necessarily mean that the differential fluid will also be changed. While the Haldex system and differential are both components of a vehicle's drivetrain, they are separate systems with their own lubricants.
The Haldex system uses Haldex fluid, which is a specialized type of hydraulic fluid. If the pump and oil in the Haldex system are being changed, then the Haldex fluid will also be changed.
The differential, on the other hand, uses differential fluid, which is a specific type of oil that is designed for the high pressures and extreme temperatures that are present in a vehicle's differential. If the differential fluid is due for a change, it will need to be changed separately from the Haldex fluid.
Ibland kan openAI ge knasiga svar, därför kollar jag med er. Misstolkade killen på verkstaden vad jag menade när han sa att det är samma sak eller är det två olika?