

rakre Gteborg

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26 september 2007
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19 mars 2017
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Tattoo just for fun

18 december 2008
Both me and Smen are allready full of tattoo`s , we kind of talk about them all the time.

We are like two school kids playing in the schoolyard eg:

Smen: my tonka toy is bigger than yours

Me: no its not

Smen: my tonka toy is better than yours

Me: no its not

Smen: my dad would beet ten bells of crap out of your dad

Me: no he would`nt

Ahhhh you get the point.
Yesturday started as normal with coffee and McDonalds and the standard question : did you get lucky last night ? it quickly followed on to , "where did it hurt most when you got a tattoo ? Smen said "the inside of the elbow"

So as fast as a speeding bullet i dared smen to tattoo "SMEN" on his knuckles just to see how much it hurts , which in turn like a pit bull turned around and snapped "Get a tattoo in the inside of your elbow then"

The pictures bellow show just how far a joke can go............................. Just for fun ! Aooooww






fr 16 r sedan
Mesigt!! ;) tycker det gr mer ont att tatuera direkt p armbgen d. grna efter man har suttit i 4-5 timmar innan och gaddat ocks! ;)
fr 16 r sedan
hahaha... hrligt..... Paul, vart vill du att jag skall jag tattuera dig som vning nu nr jag skall lra mig? P sidan av revbenen kanske? snlla?
fr 16 r sedan
fr 16 r sedan
Nuts just plain NUTS =0) keep it up
fr 16 r sedan
Blev ju snyggt iaf. Men viste inte att smen va skning och viste inte du gnlde ver s lite trodde du va en tuffing juue... hoppas ni blev njda. gillade hunden med flaggan du har sen innan
fr 16 r sedan
Sikka snygga tatueringar! Vill med tatuera meej .. Fr bli senare efter att barnet har kommit :P
fr 16 r sedan
snyggt grabbar :)
