R32 Skyline Slides Through the Mountains of Japan 00:20
http://www.wreckedmagazine.com/ http://www.videos-drift.com/ Check out this great video we found from the mountains of Japan. This R32 Skyline looks simple and sounds gorgeous as it rips across these streets of Japan. Not much information was with the video but it looks and sounds awesome!

2009 visningar
Videon publicerades p Garaget 24 juni 2012
fr 13 r sedan
Underbart :)
fr 13 r sedan
Vilken kille :)
fr 13 r sedan
Sdan du vill ha? ;D
fr 13 r sedan
Haha, nae :) skulle dock inte tacka nej:) men suprorna ligger nrmast hjrtat! :D
fr 13 r sedan
sjuk kille... hehe jvligt het krning
fr 13 r sedan
S ska kurvorna tas!!!!!!!!!
fr 13 r sedan
ljudet gr ju inte klaga p heller ;)
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