The U-2 Spy Plane and American Muscle [1080pHD] 04:54
On this weeks episode of The Downshift, we head to Beale Air Force Base, home of the U-2 Spyplane. Since 1957 the U-2 has been essential in collecting intelligence for the United States government. Even though the "Dragon Lady" has been upgraded in the past 60 years, it still remains one the most difficult planes to land. In... Visa mer

498 visningar
Videon publicerades p Garaget 4 september 2013
fr 12 r sedan
fr 12 r sedan
De kanske vore ngot att ha i garaget och ka till Willys med :p
fr 11 r sedan
...Du pratar om U2 planet frstss?? ;)
fr 11 r sedan
Japp :)
fr 12 r sedan
<<< In order to land, pilots in Chevy Camaros and Pontiac G8's chase and talk the plane down to prevent damaging its lightweight and fragile components. Website - http://www.motortrend.com
