BMW M Initiation: M4 driftar lite runt andra M-bilar 02:07
The first-ever BMW M4 has arrived. But why just announce it when you can "initiate" it? With the help of 37 BMW enthusiasts, we welcomed the M4 to the family in a thrilling, one-of-a-kind experience. This is M initiation. #MRated

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Videon publicerades p Garaget 22 augusti 2014
fr 11 r sedan
Hade varit snyggare om bilarna hade sttt ljusbl-mrkbl-rda-silver :)
fr 11 r sedan
Ännu snyggare om dem sttt i mitt garage :P
fr 11 r sedan
hoppas dom rensade pakeringen jkligt noga frn sten/grus innan O.o
fr 11 r sedan
tnkte ocks p de men ser gtt ut ,de r de viktigaste :)
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