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25 år gammal ecort

16 februari 2012

Some say?

25 maj 2011

Some say he naturally faces magnetic north, and that all of his legs are hydraulic... all we know is, he's called the Stig.

some say he likes bum off jeremy clarkeson and he has no penis... all we know is, he's called the Stig

Some say that his politics are terrifying, and that he once punched a horse to the ground... all we know is, he's called the Stig.

Some say he watched the lord of the rings sixty twelve times and he was pissed off at gandalf for stealing his idea for a halloween costume. all we know he's called the stig.

Some say he's wanted by the CIA, and that he sleeps upside down like a bat... all we know is, he's called the Stig.

Some say he's the main cause of global warming and his stomach is reverse engineered to make the I-Phone. all we know is he's called the stig.

Some say his skin has the texture of a dolphin's, and that wherever you are in the world, if you tune your radio to 88.4, you can actually hear his thoughts... all we know is, he's called the Stig.

Some say if you see into his eyes you turn to stone and he had a playboy magazine in his hands when he was born. all we know he's called the stig

Some say his ears have a paisley lining, and he's been banned from the Chelsea Flower Show... all we know is, he's called the Stig.

Some say that some cannot say because the Stig can make some not say what they want to say and all i want to say is i don't know what the hell i'm trying to say.
MORSE CODE: I'm the Stig.

Some say he never blinks, and that he roams around the woods at night foraging for wolves... all we know is, he's called the Stig.

Some say that his tears are adhesive, and that if he caught fire, he'd burn for a thousand days... all we know is, he's called the Stig.

Some say that his heart is in upside down, and that his teeth glow in the dark... all we know is, he's called the Stig.

Some say that his genitals are on upside down, and that if he could be bothered, he could crack the Da Vinci Code in 43 seconds... all we know is, he's called the Stig.

Some say he once threw a microwave oven at a tramp, and long before anyone else, he realized that Jade Goody was a racist pig-faced waste of blood and organs... all we know is, he's called the Stig.

Some say that the outline of his left nipple is exactly the same shape as the Nürburgring, and that if you give him a really important job to do, he'll skive off and play croquet... all we know is, he's called the Stig.

He appears to have started listening to Morse code. Very strange, or maybe it's him making that noise.

The Stig [speaking in Morse code]: I LOVE CHEESE

Some say it's impossible for him to wear socks, and he can open a beer bottle with his testes! All we know is, he's called the Stig.

Some say that to unlock him, you have to run your finger down his face, and that if he was getting divorced from Paul McCartney, he'd keep his stupid whiny mouth shut! All we know is, he's called the Stig.

Stig still listening to Morse code, better than static I suppose .... maybe he's signaling to his home planet.

The Stig [speaking in Morse code]: ME SMELL CATS

Some say that his scrotum has its own small gravity field, and that because our producer rigged a phone vote, he now has a new name. All we know is, he's called Cuddles.

The Stig [speaking in Morse code]: I LIKE MR. SULU

Some say that he thought Star Wars was a documentary, and that he recently pulled out of I'm A Celebrity because he is scared of trees... and Australia... and Koo Stark... and Ant... and Dec. All we know is, he's called the Stig.

Some say that he sucks the moisture from ducks, and that his crash helmet is modelled on Britney Spears' head... all we know is, he's called the Stig.

Some say that he lives in a tree, and that his sweat can be used to clean precious metals... all we know is, he's called the Stig.

The Stig [speaking in Morse code]: THAT PORK TASTED FUNNY

Some say that he's terrified of ducks, and that there's an airport in Russia named after him... all we know is, he's called the Stig.

Some say he can swim seven lengths under water, and he has webbed buttocks... all we know is, he's called the Stig.

The Stig [speaking in Morse code]: TOO MANY GEARS

Some say that he once lost a canoe on a beach in the northeast, and that he once did some time in a prison in Canterbury, because his teddy is called The Baby Jesus. All we know is, he's called the Stig.

Some say he has a digital face, and that if he felt like it, he could fire Alan Sugar... all we know is, he's called the Stig.

Some say he invented Branston Pickle, and that if you insult his mother, he will head-butt you in the chest... all we know is, he's called the Stig.

Some say that he appears on high value stamps in Sweden, and that he can catch fish with his tongue... we know him only, as the Stig.

Some say he is illegal in 17 U.S. states, and he blinks this way [horizontally]... all we know is, he's called the Stig.

The Stig [speaking in Morse code]: I LIKE GARY NEWMAN

Some say that on really warm days, he sheds his skin like a snake, and that for some reason, he's allergic to the Dutch... all we know is, he's called the Stig.

Some say that his first name really is "The," and that if he went on Celebrity Love Island, they'd all be pregnant, including the cameramen... all we know is, he's called the Stig.

The Stig [speaking in Morse code]: I VOTED ROSS PEROT

Some say that he's a CIA experiment gone wrong, and that he only eats cheese... all we know is, he's not the Stig, but he is the Stig's American cousin!

Some say he isn't machine washable, and all his potted plants are called Steve... all we know is, he's called the Stig.

Some say that he has no understanding of clouds, and that his ear wax tastes like Turkish delight... all we know is, he's called the Stig.

Some say that after making love, he bites the head off his partner. And that he's had to give up binge drinking now that it's gone to one pound eighteen to a litre. All we know is, he's called the Stig.

Some say that each of his toenails are exactly the same as a woman's nipples, and that he thinks that "credit-crunch" is some kind of a breakfast cereal. All we know is, he's called the Stig.

Some say that one of his eyes is a teste. And that he was turned down for I'm a celebrity because people have heard of him. All we know is he's called the Stig!

Some say that he sleeps inside out, and that he once had full sex with Russell Brand's answering machine. All we know is, he's called the Stig.

The Stig [speaking in Morse code]: STRICTLY COME DANCING IS CRAP

Some say that his ears aren't exactly where you'd expect them to be, and that once, preposterously, he had an affair with John Prescott... all we know is, he's called the Stig.

Some say his droppings have been found as far north as York. And that he has a full size tattoo of his face, on his face. All we know is, he's called the Stig!

Some say that if you lick his chest, it tastes exactly the same as piccalilli, and that at this week's Brit awards, he was arrested for goosing Russell Brand... all we know is, he's called the Stig.

Some say his favourite ever song is Forever Autumn by Justin Hayward, and that he has the world's largest collection of pornographical material. All we know is, he's not the Stig, but he is The Stig's lorry-driving cousin!

Some say that his voice can only be heard by cats, and that he has two sets of knees... all we know is, he's called the Stig.

Some say that his breath smells of magnesium, and that he's scared of bells... all we know is, he's called the Stig.

Some say that when he slows down brake lights come on in his buttocks, and that if he'd been the manager of the England football squad last week, he wouldn't have been a feckless ginger gum-chewing buffoon who ruined it for all of us. All we know is, he's called the Stig.

Some say that his heart ticks like a watch, and that he's confused by stairs... all we know is, he's called the Stig.

Some say that as we speak he is actually relaxing in the resort pool, and he is, he is actually.

Some say that he once had a vicious knife fight with Anthea Turner, and that he is in no way implicated in the cash for honours scandal... all we know is, he's called Lord Stig!

Some say that he knows 2 facts about ducks, and both of them are wrong. And that 61 years ago he accidentally introduced Her Majesty The Queen to a Greek racialist. All we know is, I'm going to the tower now to have my head cut off, and he is called the Stig.

Some say that he's banned from the town of Chichester, and that in a recent late-night deal, he bought a slightly dented white Fiat Uno from the Duke of Edinburgh. All we know is, he's called the Stig.

Some say that he is not allowed, by law, within 100 yards of Lorraine Kelly, and that he's never seen an episode of Top Gear, because he's a huge fan of Midsomer Murders! All we know is, he's called Bergerac!

Some say that he invented November. And that if he had won the World Championship in Brazil last weekend, there might have been one photograph of him without his father, gurning in the back of shot. All we know is, he's called the Stig.

Some say one of his legs get longer when he sees a pretty lady. And that I haven't done one of these for some time and I've forgotten to make up a second thing. All we know is he's called the Stig!

Some say that he gets terrible eczema on his helmet, and that if he'd been the video referee at the World Cup Rugby Final, he'd have seen 'of course it was a try you blind Australian half-wit'! All we know is, he's called the Stig.

Some say he's seen The Lion King 1780 times, and that his second best friend is a cape buffalo... all we know is, he's not the Stig, but he is the Stig's African cousin.

The Stig has got into Elton John... not literally, of course!

One of these days, he's gonna kill himself and we're gonna need a new Stig.

Some say he was turned down for a place in 'im a celebrity' because he is one. and that he has some terrible plans involving the moon.

Storleken har betydelse?

19 augusti 2010
Bröststorlek påverkar
kvinnors chans till lift
Kvinnliga liftare brukar ofta porträtteras av Hollywood med tjejer som visar mycket ben. Men en fransk studie visar att det är fel väg att gå om man vill ha skjuts...

Den franska psykologen Nicolas Guéguen har en stor talang när det kommer till att utföra experiment som svarar på frågor som många har undrat över – men få har testat. En i raden av dessa tester är huruvida en kvinnas bröststorlek påverkar hennes möjligheter till att få lift.

För att få svar på denna fråga tog den gode Guéguen och ställde en kvinnlig medarbetare med vardagligt utseende i vägkanten. Försöket gjordes i tre omgångar med bara en skiljande parameter – bröststorleken. Naturligt hade kvinnan bröst som ansågs vara något mindre än fransk standard. I det andra försöket hade silikoninlägg lagts till för att ge normalstora bröst och i det sista försöket lades ytterliggare silikon till.

Medan kvinnan stod med tummen i vädret noterade två observatörer hur många bilar som passerade samt hur många som stannade för att ge kvinnan lift. Resultatet är kanske inte allt för överraskande.

Manliga förare:
Mindre bröst än normalt: 14,92 procent (40 av 268)
Normalstora bröst: 17,79 procent (46 av 256)
Större bröst än normalt: 24 procent (60 av 250)

Kvinnliga förare:
Mindre bröst än normalt: 9,09 procent (12 av 132)
Normalstora bröst: 7,64 procent (11 av 144)
Större bröst än normalt: 9,33 procent (14 av 150)

Så rent statistiskt sett visar experimentet att det enbart var männens beteende som påverkades av bröststorleken. Slutsatsen som Dr Guéguen drar av resultatet är att män är mer benägna att engagera sig pro-socialt ( i det här fallet att erbjuda skjuts) om en kvinna har större bröst. Även om resultatet kan debatteras är det ganska underhållande att se det vetenskapligt "bevisat" – stora bröst gör liftarens resa snabbare.



17 augusti 2010
http://www.bytbil.com/motornyheter/Nyhe … d=dvhtakyg

bara hålla tummarna eller vad tror ni?


25 juli 2010

Vi vill ha fri fart (bara för dom som vill och tror att dom kan) och bort med alla kameraskåp och laserpickadoller.

Vårt motto är: Sänkt skatt, Sänkt bensinpris och Sänkt bil!

Hos Bilprovningen ska man också kunna mäta effekt (när man ändå kör upp på sånna där rullar). Har man mer effekt än org.papper skall man få ett diplom.

Alla vägar kommer att byggas om och beläggas med ny slät svart asfalt. Riktigt snäva kurvor skall doseras rejält och det skall finnas röd-vit-randiga curbs över allt.

Traktorer, husvagnar och långtradare skall förbjudas att framföras på vägarna. De kan få speciellt avlysta grusvägar att blockera om de önskar.

Älgar skall förbjudas. Ja allt som man plötsligt måste väja för kommer förbjudas på sikt.

Uppkörningar skall ersättas med gocart-tävlingar, där alla får medalj om man kommer under en viss varvtid.

Salt på vägarna kommer att avskaffas vintertid. Istället spolas vägarna och varje bilförare får kvittera ut en uppsättning isracingdäck (max 2 uppsättningar per vinter pga kostnadsskäl). Audi Quattro-förare får dock kvittera ut sommarslicks i dimensionen 255/30/18", eftersom dom varit så stöddiga genom åren.

Parkeringsavgifter ska omvandlas till ett belöningssystem där man erhåller pengar om man "parkerar en snygg bil på ett uppseendeväckande sätt".

Röda bilar ska ha företräde vid rödljus. Men då alla rödljus kommer att avskaffas är frågan inte relevant. Under övergångsperiod kommer dock rödljusen i tätbebyggda områden fungera som 402m strip, med officiell tidtagning. Drifting träningar är tillåtet i alla större och mindre rondeller.

Bilköer kommer att förbjudas och den som orsakar en kö (den som kör så sakta längst där framme) skall således bötfällas.

Mellan knutpunkter som som t.ex Göteborg - Stockholm skall en spikrak åtafilig höghastighets raksträcka byggas. Där kommer bara bilar som klarar en marschfart på 250km/h att tillåtas.

Vångåkraträffen 2010

15 maj 2010
Nyss hemkommen från en mycket trevlig Vingåkraträff med massor av fina och välbyggda bilar och härligt väder. MvH/boijee


8 november 2009
Nu blir jag upprörd! Min familj och jag brukar ibland äta fil och flingor till frukost. Vi samsas då om ett paket fil. Nu måste vi köpa två paket fil och ha varsin. Varför då undrar ni kanske? Jo för jag har hört att Antipiratbyrån har polisanmält folk för fildelning så nu törs vi inte göra det längre....

Fräckis ;)

14 juli 2009
Två irländska bankrånare bryter sig in i den nya banken en natt. De spränger dörren till kassavalvet, stiger in och möts av många småkassaskåp! De bryter upp ett, men i det finner dem bara vaniljpudding. Hungriga som de äter upp den och går lös på nästa kassaskåp. Samma sak, vaniljpudding, men inga pengar! När gryningen kommer har de öppnat 48 skåp men inte sett skymten av några pengar. Sura, men rejält mätta, lämnar de brottplatsen! De lunkar iväg längs gatan, då den ene vänder sig om och läser: Obrains Spermabank.

The Stig avslöjad?

22 juni 2009
Någon som tror detta stämmer att det är han i länken som är den riktiga The Stig?


äntligen VÅR!!

28 april 2009
Äntligen Sommar!!

Visst är det skönt att våren har kommit med värme, sol och att allt fan känns bättre.

Visst är det skönt med all jävla pollen som gör så man snorar 24/7 och ögonen kliar så det ser ut som om man är skit hög och har grinat hela dagen,

Och all pollen på solglasögonen så man inte ser ett skit och måste sitta inne och putsa dom hela jävla dagarna för att kunna se alla fina personer som nu tagit sig ut i sol och värmen!

även kul att se alla snygga personer gå ute i solen och alla (även jag) är så jävla vita så hade man inte haft sina skitiga solglasögon på sig fått ögonskador för livet..

Även skönt med allt rullgrus på vägarna så man får punktering och ska halka och få skit snygg skrapsår såhär till våren då kort byxor och tröjorna ska fram..

Nej man ska inte klaga är bara så JÄVLA skönt med våren ÄNTLIGEN har kommit!!! ;)


30 mars 2009

