
Fast And The Furious WTF´s

Sheik Yerbouti
1 899 Inlägg
13 oktober 2008
ExXtr3me skrev:
225.3 km/h.... så dör bilen... Och han behöver nos..

det gör ju våran trötta jävla volvo 940 turbo...

Jag tycker att hastigheterna är såå jävla löjliga i sånna där filmer.. dom trimmar som fan. men händer typ ingenting...

iofs tror ja inte att er volvo gör 225 på 400 meter eller så, förövrigt tvivlar ja på att ni kör det inne i stan med den. Men ja är villig att hålla med om att med allt vad fan dom slänger på de där jävla bilarna så ska man inte behöva nos för att kliva över 225 km/h..

"Vi er dem de andre ikke må lege med".

263 Inlägg
13 oktober 2008
Av alla overkliga saker i filmen så är det detta du hänger upp dig på? big_smile haha

583 Inlägg
13 oktober 2008
FireTraXX skrev:
Som sagt så förstår jag inte problemet med den sista bilden.
Men den med tändstiften och tändkablarna är ju för att man ska ha i reserv såklart. smile

Och bilden med datorn är inte otänkbar.
Med kunskap om hur mycket grenröret pallar (värme och sånt eller nåt trams?) så kan man lätt fixa så att en dator varnar i tid.

till att börja med så stegrar en bil för den har fäste och jag vill se en bil i verkligheten som står och råburnar däck samtidigt som han står på bakan (som han behöver fäste för... ser du ironin i fäste och börna?)

Sen angående datorbilden så har den ju stavat fel på mainfold?

"-Det är inte lätt när de är svårt!
-Men de är skönt när de går!"

13 oktober 2008
inga problem för många dragrace bilar att burna & wheela samtidigt. En Topfuel gör det hela tiden :-)

   Är det ingen som reflekterar över att Eqlipsen tappar en ALU-plåt som sprutar gnistor då ?

Sheik Yerbouti
1 899 Inlägg
13 oktober 2008
Skyline_dennis skrev:
Sen angående datorbilden så har den ju stavat fel på mainfold?

De stavas manifold och betyder förgreningsrör...

"Vi er dem de andre ikke må lege med".

9 020 Inlägg
13 oktober 2008
Skyline_dennis skrev:
FireTraXX skrev:
Som sagt så förstår jag inte problemet med den sista bilden.
Men den med tändstiften och tändkablarna är ju för att man ska ha i reserv såklart. smile

Och bilden med datorn är inte otänkbar.
Med kunskap om hur mycket grenröret pallar (värme och sånt eller nåt trams?) så kan man lätt fixa så att en dator varnar i tid.

till att börja med så stegrar en bil för den har fäste och jag vill se en bil i verkligheten som står och råburnar däck samtidigt som han står på bakan (som han behöver fäste för... ser du ironin i fäste och börna?)

Sen angående datorbilden så har den ju stavat fel på mainfold?

Sant, sant, tänkte jag inte på. tongue

Och sen ska man inte rätta en storfilms stavning när man har fel...

To thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man.
/William Shakespeare, Hamlet.
A wise man once told me that death smiles at us all. All a man can do is smile back.
Russel Crowe, Gladiator.

13 oktober 2008
men detta är bara film?. ska något vara som verkligheten då???

herregud smile ni klagar på en sådan film när vi har sagan om ringen och andra konstiga filmer smile

men iallafall när golvplåten ramlar av så undrar man med.

sen att de inte toppar så fort de är för de är trötta japaner wink

Skoda mekaniker
57 Inlägg
13 oktober 2008
Skyline_dennis skrev:
till att börja med så stegrar en bil för den har fäste och jag vill se en bil i verkligheten som står och råburnar däck samtidigt som han står på bakan (som han behöver fäste för... ser du ironin i fäste och börna?)

Sen angående datorbilden så har den ju stavat fel på mainfold?

Är du alvarlig? hmm

KHRacing skrev:
inga problem för många dragrace bilar att burna & wheela samtidigt. En Topfuel gör det hela tiden :-)

   Är det ingen som reflekterar över att Eqlipsen tappar en ALU-plåt som sprutar gnistor då ?

Att det har missats, i samband med att insugsrör/grenrör är i fara så ramlar golvet ut... hmm

Medlem i SVEDIMF (http://www.svedimf.3w.se/).. =)

9 020 Inlägg
13 oktober 2008
tkd_rille skrev:
men detta är bara film?. ska något vara som verkligheten då???

herregud smile ni klagar på en sådan film när vi har sagan om ringen och andra konstiga filmer smile

men iallafall när golvplåten ramlar av så undrar man med.

sen att de inte toppar så fort de är för de är trötta japaner wink

Inte att förglömma Kung Pow, den är ju inte precis verklighetstrogen. tongue

To thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man.
/William Shakespeare, Hamlet.
A wise man once told me that death smiles at us all. All a man can do is smile back.
Russel Crowe, Gladiator.

13 oktober 2008
FireTraXX skrev:
tkd_rille skrev:
men detta är bara film?. ska något vara som verkligheten då???

herregud smile ni klagar på en sådan film när vi har sagan om ringen och andra konstiga filmer smile

men iallafall när golvplåten ramlar av så undrar man med.

sen att de inte toppar så fort de är för de är trötta japaner wink

Inte att förglömma Kung Pow, den är ju inte precis verklighetstrogen. tongue


från att dömma vad man fick upp för bild så håller jag verkligen med dig smile. eller de är kanske kornas speciella talang wink

1 814 Inlägg
13 oktober 2008
För att inte missa vid 14.05 då dem kollar under huven och därigenom får veta hur mycket lustgas han har i bilen. "he's got enough NOS to blow himself to pieces" big_smile

störtskön film dock big_smile

13 oktober 2008
expect1991 skrev:
För att inte missa vid 14.05 då dem kollar under huven och därigenom får veta hur mycket lustgas han har i bilen. "he's got enough NOS to blow himself to pieces" big_smile

störtskön film dock big_smile

men de är ju vältränat öga? :S 

han hade kanske en mätklocka smile nej men jag kan inte lustgas själv så smile

9 020 Inlägg
13 oktober 2008
tkd_rille skrev:
FireTraXX skrev:
tkd_rille skrev:
men detta är bara film?. ska något vara som verkligheten då???

herregud smile ni klagar på en sådan film när vi har sagan om ringen och andra konstiga filmer smile

men iallafall när golvplåten ramlar av så undrar man med.

sen att de inte toppar så fort de är för de är trötta japaner wink

Inte att förglömma Kung Pow, den är ju inte precis verklighetstrogen. tongue

http://pariahs-guild.com/wp-content/upl … ng_pow.jpg

från att dömma vad man fick upp för bild så håller jag verkligen med dig smile. eller de är kanske kornas speciella talang wink

Se den, har man riktigt konstig humor så är den sinnessjukt rolig. big_smile

To thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man.
/William Shakespeare, Hamlet.
A wise man once told me that death smiles at us all. All a man can do is smile back.
Russel Crowe, Gladiator.

Kiss my palewhite ass
1 898 Inlägg
13 oktober 2008
patrikhornfeldt skrev:
ExXtr3me skrev:
225.3 km/h.... så dör bilen... Och han behöver nos..

det gör ju våran trötta jävla volvo 940 turbo...

Jag tycker att hastigheterna är såå jävla löjliga i sånna där filmer.. dom trimmar som fan. men händer typ ingenting...

iofs tror ja inte att er volvo gör 225 på 400 meter eller så, förövrigt tvivlar ja på att ni kör det inne i stan med den. Men ja är villig att hålla med om att med allt vad fan dom slänger på de där jävla bilarna så ska man inte behöva nos för att kliva över 225 km/h..

det är just det jag menade ;p sa det kanske lite otydligt... Men big_smile

Alltid Oavsett
Förevigt Djurgården

13 oktober 2008
FireTraXX skrev:
tkd_rille skrev:
FireTraXX skrev:

Inte att förglömma Kung Pow, den är ju inte precis verklighetstrogen. tongue

http://pariahs-guild.com/wp-content/upl … ng_pow.jpg

från att dömma vad man fick upp för bild så håller jag verkligen med dig smile. eller de är kanske kornas speciella talang wink

Se den, har man riktigt konstig humor så är den sinnessjukt rolig. big_smile

haha bara för de ska jag se den smile. kan va skoj när man absolut inte har nått att göra en supertråkig söndag smile.
annars tycker jag den där med knarkande elefanten är fet smile, kommer dock ej ihåg vad den heter hehe.

2 947 Inlägg
13 oktober 2008
Kung Pow handlar ju om Kosjukans utbrytning i Skåne.

Senast redigerat av KimVsWorld(Idag 22:03:00)

3 059 Inlägg
13 oktober 2008
Bloopers i Fast and the furious:

Crew or equipment visible: As the Charger is flying through the air towards the end of the movie, the stuntman and his helmet are visible for a few seconds.

Continuity: When Jesse gets ready to race at race wars, we see the Honda S2000 standing next to him. Then Brian asks Jesse who he's racing, and we see the Honda S2000 arriving for the second time.

Revealing mistakes: When Officer Brian O'Conner chases one of the motorcyclists over a hill, the ramps used to lift the car off the ground are visible.

Audio/visual unsynchronized: When the agents are debating whether Mia is clouding the opinion of Brian, the dialogue is, "Hey, I don't blame you. I get off on her surveillance photos too." But he is clearly dubbed over saying, "Hey, I don't blame you. I beat off to her surveillance photos too.

Revealing mistakes: In the scene with the cars driving under the truck (trailer), the trailer switches from a standard tandem configuration to an obviously rigged (raised) single axle trailer.

Factual errors: Although clearly done for cinematic purposes (to make it obvious what is in the truck), the container full of electronic equipment isn't packed at all realistically, with everything packed at the sides and none of it wrapped in plastic or on pallets. At the first turn, the boxes would be all over the place.

Revealing mistakes: When Paul Walker jumps onto the truck to save the guy, you can very clearly see the safety harness strapped to his back in several shots.

Continuity: When the Supra is chasing the dirt bikes it switches from clean to very dirty many times between shots.

Continuity: In the last race scene with the Supra on the LA streets chasing the dirtbikes during the day, the windshield is clearly cut out to eliminate glare in some shots, while in others, the entire windshield is present. The cutout takes the shape of the area covered by the wiper blades. In the same scene, the windshield is also visibly clean as well as visibly dirty.

Factual errors: Before the first race when Jessie is checking out Brian's Eclipse, he mentions that it has a NOS fogger system, then later acknowledges that it has direct port nitrous injection. Clearly you don't run both a direct port and a fogger nitrous system, as direct port is a much better system.

Factual errors: The police scanner mounted on the dash on one of the "lookout" cars during the street race is an early-'80s Radio Shack Patrolman scanner which is not capable of receiving the current 800mhz digital trunking system currently used by L.A.P.D. and L.A. County Sheriff.

Continuity: During the last race, something in Dom's engine blows up. Yet it leaves smoke spewing out the back in some shots. When the two cars jump the track, in some shots the smoke is gone. Yet when Dom crashes the car at the very end, the car is seen smoking again.

Continuity: When Brian is driving up to Dom's store to get a tuna sandwich from Mia the Ford emblem on the grill of his red pickup is clearly missing. When he drives away after Dom tells him to leave, the Ford emblem appears.

Continuity: When the boys pull up to the starting line at the first race, only three of them pull up and Brian over shots the starting line. The red car pulls up with the two boys. Yet when Brian over shots the line, the red car pulls up and stops again.

Continuity: Toward the beginning of the movie, Brian is pulled over by an unmarked black police car, a 1992 Ford Crown Victoria. When the stop is first being made, the Crown Victoria is a modified one that does not have a front grille with a blue Ford Oval on it. As Paul gets out of his car, the Crown Victoria is an unmodified one, with the grille and Ford oval on the front. So between shots, the police car changes.

Revealing mistakes: During the first race, the cars pass by the same background more than once.

Factual errors: The 1/4 mile race at the end takes the two "ten second" cars way more than 10 seconds to run. On top of that, in actuality, rail crossing bars lower long before the train is visible. If this was a ten second race, that means the rail bars dropped 2-3 seconds before the train appeared.

Miscellaneous: When Brian spins his Eclipse out while testing it in the stadium parking lot. You can clearly see that the reverse lights are on while the car is spinning. Indicating that they were doing reverse donuts to film the shot.

Continuity: At the end of the film when Toretto realises Brian's a cop while he's on the phone, the phone changes hands with the change of one shot.

Continuity: When Paul and Vin first get to the party near the beginning of the movie, Vin hands Paul a drink, Paul immediatley starts to clean the top with his shirt, a few seconds later we see him again start to clean the bottle.

Continuity: During the first hijacking when the car goes under the trailer there is only one trailer axle. When it goes to a wider angle shot, the trailer is back to having two axles. Also that trailer type has two support beams running down the center of the trailer from front to back. In this scene they are missing.

Factual errors: In race wars when Jesse is filmed in close-up, you can see that he is actually driving a coupe (check the right rear side mirror). Also, the dashboard is not the Jetta's.
Factual errors: In the last scene when Dom and Brian drag race, the scoop on the blower closes when he revs up the motor, when it would really open, since it is to get air into the motor.

Crew or equipment visible: When the racers are on their way to the first race, there is an aerial shot of above the street, and in the right side of the screen a lighting tower is visibly illuminating the street.

Revealing mistakes: When Dom and Brian first take the Supra out for a test drive they pull up to a Ferrari. The guy in the Ferrari is bald but within the race you can see a guy with hair driving it.

Miscellaneous: As Brian is driving up to the gathering before the first race, you can clearly see a hose hanging below his Eclipse. Afterwards, the hose is absent.

Crew or equipment visible: Just before the final race between Dom and Brian, as the view comes up to Dom, the camera, and camera man (wearing a red shirt) are reflected in the Charger's side-view mirror.

Continuity: In Letty's race at Race Wars, her seats change from black racing seats, to light gray stock seats, then back to racing seats

Continuity: After leaving the parking garage where he has hidden his car, Dominick is spotted by a single police car and followed/chased. During the pursuit, the police car changes (as evidenced by the light bar on the top) between shots.

Continuity: When Dominic's Charger hits the truck, the roll cage fitted into Brian's car is clearly visible in many shots. In close-ups and stationary shots, the cage is not present.

Continuity: The floor of the passenger side of Brian's car comes off in the first race yet Dom doesn't seem to need to be wary of this missing floor when he rides with Brian later that night.

Continuity: When Brian is racing the quarter-mile for the first time, the laptop on the passenger seat reads 'Danger to Manifold' and the foot plate on the passenger side comes loose and flies off. However, Brian then picks up Dom to evade the cops and Dom sits normally in the passenger seat. In actuality he would have nowhere to rest his feet and the hole in the floor would create a great deal of noise whilst driving.

Continuity: The Eclipse moves around between shots before being destroyed.

Continuity: Ted's shirt alternates between dry and oily between shots during the sequence at Tran's garage.

Continuity: When one of the bikers comes off the road, Toretto goes to look over the ridge at the him and we see a bandage on his nose, which is not there in previous or subsequent shots.

Continuity: Toward the end of the film when the three Civics are trying to highjack the truck, the rear spoiler of Dom's car changes style between shots.

Crew or equipment visible: When Dom is trying to rescue Vince from the truck, you can see a stuntman's arms driving the car in a few of the rear shots due to the long sleeve black shirt he is wearing compared to the short sleeve white shirt that Dom is wearing.

Continuity: Many of the cars have roll cages which change colors between shots.

Continuity: During the race wars, when Jesse is up against Johnny Tran, we see Johnny Tran pull up in his car next to him and he is clearly wearing a buttoned up black shirt. However, once the ref lifts his hands and waves the signal to go, the next shot of Tran in the car and after the race shows him in a black tank top.

Revealing mistakes: When the bikers are shooting at the cars parked on the street, the glass is seen to explode outward. If the bullets were hitting the glass from outside, the glass particles would fly into the car.

Continuity: Toward the beginning of the movie when Brian drives into the alley and parks, there is a candy orange Honda Accord Wagon with no hood right next to the green Eclipse on the driver's side. After Hector introduces himself to Brian, he points across the alley to his car but we see the same Honda Accord that Brian is parked next to. You can tell by, 1) the headlights (Hector drives a mid-'90s model Civic hatchback which has more rounded headlights, but the car he point's to has rectangular Honda Accord headlights), and, 2) the design at the bottom of the windshield (both the car that Brian is standing next to and the car Hector points to have the same design, but later in the film, Hector drives to The Racer's Edge, and his Civic has nothing at the bottom of the windshield, also, note the headlights on the Civic and on the car he points to).

Revealing mistakes: In one aerial shot after the first race when the police are driving onto the street, you can see police cars waiting for their cues on the side streets. They have their parking lights on at first and then turn on their lights and light bars when they begin driving into the racer traffic.

Audio/visual unsynchronized: When Edwin is looking at Brian's car before the first race, he is heard to say, "He's got enough NOS in there to blow himself up, period," but he appears to be saying something else.

Continuity: When Brian gets out of the car to check Tran after shooting him off his bike, he clearly slams the door of his Supra as he runs over to him, but when he returns to the car, the door is open.

Crew or equipment visible: When Mia notices that Brian has arrived at the party with Dominic, the cameraman's elbow can be seen in the mirror just before the shirt covers the camera.

Revealing mistakes: When Jesse puts the floppy disk in the A-Drive to show Brian the Supra designs, the computer power switch is clearly in the "OFF" position.

Continuity: When Dom hides his car in the empty building and begins walking down the sidewalk, the cop car that passes him is a Ford Crown Victoria. But when we see it again, it is a Chevrolet Caprice.

Continuity: When the officers are in the house and Brain pushes the detective. He is on the left side of the FBI agent. When they swap to show it from the other side, the agent falls past the FBI agent on his right side.

Continuity: After the window is pulled out at the beginning of the movie, the weather stripping is visible under the windshield wiper. In the next shot it is gone.

Revealing mistakes: After race wars, Brian returns to town and pulls his car into a driveway. His stuntman is clearly recognizable as the driver in this shot as his hairline is a good 2 or 3 inches further back than Paul Walker's.

Revealing mistakes: In the first race, all the cars pull up from left to right and Brian is last and misses the starting line. When he goes to back up, the car next to him pulls up again.

Miscellaneous: At the beginning, when Brian's Eclipse is first shown, as he is driving you can see he always hold the steering wheel with his right hand and is always shifting with his right hand.

Audio/visual unsynchronized: Back at Dom's house after the first race. Just after Mia breaks Brian away from Vince, Leon says, "Aw, come on Mia, we were just about to get along", Jesse can then be heard adding "Yeah". However, his mouth does not move.

Continuity: During the final truck heist, the event supposedly occurs at dawn, but several shots show mid-day shadows.

Continuity: When Brian and Dom are forced into parking lot by Tran and the other bikers, the car is facing into to the lot, yet when the bikers return to shoot the car, it has suddenly turned around.

Continuity: When everyone is gathered around Brian's car following the first race, you can see a guy behind Dominic with a black FUBU shirt on and spiky hair, then in the next shot the same guy is behind Brian.

13 oktober 2008
KimVsWorld skrev:
Kung Pow handlar ju om Kosjukans utbrytning i Skåne.

de håller på och bekämpa kosjukan nu wink så ta de lugnt. de har läget under kontroll haha.

3 354 Inlägg
13 oktober 2008
Revealing mistakes: When the bikers are shooting at the cars parked on the street, the glass is seen to explode outward. If the bullets were hitting the glass from outside, the glass particles would fly into the car.

det där med att rutan skulle sprängas inåt tror inte jag på. varje gång jag sett en bilruta gå sönder så har det splittrats utåt. de e ju konstruerats för att det inte ska splittras inåt.
Senast redigerat av Seth (13 oktober 2008)

Diplomati är konsten att be någon dra åt helvete på ett sådant sätt att han ser fram emot resan
Att inneha körkort betyder inte att man kan köra... det betyder bara att man just vid ett enda tillfälle körde någorlunda bra

1 827 Inlägg
13 oktober 2008
Seth skrev:
Revealing mistakes: When the bikers are shooting at the cars parked on the street, the glass is seen to explode outward. If the bullets were hitting the glass from outside, the glass particles would fly into the car.

det där med att rutan skulle sprängas inåt tror inte jag på. varje gång jag sett en bilruta gå sönder så har det splittrats utåt. de e ju konstruerats för att det inte ska splittras inåt.


Det är därför man aldrig behöver dammsuga en bil efter ett inbrott. DOH.

Fast, Reliable, Cheap. Choose two
