
Volvo 244 Turbo förgasar projekt

438 Inlägg
6 januari 2011
P--JawZ--K skrev:
Update 61:

Resultatet från min första honing, ska fortsätta på de resterande cylinder loppen. Och sen gå igenom dem å se ifall jag behöver ta nåt mer.

Satt och tittade på bilden och märkte att du inte har slipat i kryssmönster!!!!!!
Det är väldigt viktigt att du slipar i kryss mönster annars så slits inte kolvringarna in rätt
Och det slutar i att du får byta kolvringar rätt snart!

Ville bara varna dig!!
MVH VAnd3rsson

579 Inlägg
6 januari 2011
Jo dä vet jag om, har bara tagit å jämnat till ytan å ska börja på finliret nu så att säga. Hade vevaxeln i så va tvungen å ta det försiktigt så jag inte slog honingsverktyget i axeln å förstörde nånting i blocket. Men tackar för påminnelsen smile

579 Inlägg
6 januari 2011
Du kan ju alltid skriva på engelska ifall du vill, ifall det känns lättare alltså. wink

The turbo is original from the 240/740 turbo, a Garrett TB0326. The color will probably be either white or the current color, but polished so it gets back its shine:) But it's a long while until I get the new paint on the car, and I've been know to change things in the last minute smile

Yeah the old "real" Volvo cars with RWD is really fun cars big_smile But I think the 240 is best of them for drifting purposes because of the more evenly weigth distribution. The 740 and 940 are to light in the back so they will easily spinn, but won't get as good grip on the road to really have the same control during a drift as the 240 has. Yeah the rust is a pain in the ass, if I had a MIG welder I could fix it in a day or so, possibly even less than that. But for now I have to settle with this, and only use it as is.

If you mean a picture on the wheels to see if they fit your car, look here. Also the bolt circle is 108/5 -> http://www.garaget.org/mypage/gallery.p … age=983150

If you have problem with writing or understading some of the Swedish words try Google's translator here -> http://translate.google.se/?js=n&pr … spr%C3%A5k

27 Inlägg
6 januari 2011
yes good car!! I like much the Volvo 240! The problem with rust can to fix that easy its not so bad. I have too in back same problem, but i wait the summer, i dont have garage for it and its shit to stay outside in cold to work. Yes i know that i have problems with swedish, its little hard the grammar, yet i study and google translate its shit, translate wrong many words with his help i wrong my last text. But if i progress, i will learn.

P.S. The engine its injektion or carburator? i have some plan's with my car if i do some money or i came in Sweden to find engine Volvo, gearbox and axis back with cardan shaft. The position engine its same with your car and the gearbox and all..you can see that i have a picture on my profile.
Senast redigerat av Supersonyc (6 januari 2011)

I live my life at the quarter mile the time, nothing something else matters.
For ten seconds or less...I'm Free!!!

040 RedLine
1 219 Inlägg
6 januari 2011
Hur rengjorde du oljepumpen, vet du om man kan lägga den i ett typ diselbad?

Kolla mitt projekt:
Klicka HÄR

579 Inlägg
8 januari 2011
BrajAxx: Den satt ju i fyra insex skruv, som jag skruva loss å öppna. Sen tog jag Bräkleen bromsrengöring å spruta den full (detta skapar ingen hina som WD40, avfettning å 5-56 kan göra) å torka av den med en handduk. Å innan montering smörjde jag in den med ny ren å fräsch olja, som jag lät rinna genom lite grann för å verkligen få bort all gammal olja å rester smile Och ja dä går å lägga den i dieselbad, du kan lägga den i nästan vilken kemikalie du vill, bara du gör rent den efteråt å helst häller igenom olja för å ta bort alla eventuella rester smile

Supersonyc: Yeah the ol' 240 is a nice car, and especially fun in the Swedish winters smile The rust isn't hard at all actually just cut, mend the replacing part to fit and weld or in this case clench it together with the car body wink

A garage is a must when doing something big on a car, especially during the winter. Yeah the google translator is shit, but it does have some clue. So you won't be totally "blind" to the language. But the best and in a way the only way to learn a language is to study it from books or someone who speaks it. Yeah you will be speaking Swedish in no time if you study hard wink

The engine originally is carburated, but I'm gonna test out some different direct fuel injections systems, that Volvo produced for the 240/740/940 models. And see the what kind of difference there is between them and a carburated turbo setup. What the up's and downs are for both systems and such big_smile and when I get a job (propably after i get my license back big_smile) and get a better income. I'm gonna buy me a Megasquirt EFI system to control both ignition and the fuel so I can fine tune the car after my specific needs of sort cool

An engine conversion would be sweet cool You'll get an engine that is durable, have lots of parts and is tuned in every possible way 10 times over by alot of guys (and girls of course) so when you run into a problem you know there is a person who have had almost the same problem and have overcome it smile Well if your in the neighbourhood I'll propably will have an engine, and the whole shabang for an engine conversion, drop by and you'll get it real cheap wink I already have two spare engines laying around (though one of them is dismantled in to atoms almost wink and the other needs a head gasket and remount the cylinderhead and you'll have a nice engine from the get go smile) And a whole 245 with the works on it except for the gearbox though. To take parts you'll need to make it work big_smile

27 Inlägg
8 januari 2011
Yes. I want a Volvo right now big_smile have strong engine's mean. I know all Series 240/740/940 but i don't know sure about their mechanic parts, that must to informed.
Yes therefore i'm looking for a engine Volvo because many know Volvo are durable cars/engines/chassi than other's...here in romania, many use engine Renault its cheap and shit sometimes. Must to take much parts as to do modification's at my car. But i hope through September to came in Sweden with my car and to begin. Swedish language its not so hard, maybe the pronunciation is little complicate, but i bought book's with grammar and dictionary they can help me to learn better. No problem, everything to learn in life.
The gearbox is complicate to put on other car? have you a picture something with your?

I live my life at the quarter mile the time, nothing something else matters.
For ten seconds or less...I'm Free!!!

579 Inlägg
8 januari 2011
The volvo engine is also very easy to understand and repair or tune, because it's very simple compared to the more modern car engine's. And therefore a good starting point for anyone who has an interest in fixing their cars for themself smile

Yeah the pronunciation can be hard sometimes, especially the Värmland dialect. Even those from Stockholm have had problem understanding what I was saying in Värmländska tongue

I haven't got my gearbox mounted yet, but soon I will unmount the gearbox from the Volvo 245. And mount it into my volvo 244, which propably means alot of pictures from it smile But I can take pictures on the gearbox that I have lying in the garage and take pictures of that and the mounting bracket and the under side of the car body where the gearbox is mounted if you want?

27 Inlägg
8 januari 2011
yes i know same with engines Dacia and many old engine's are easy to fix...but volvo engine seems to be really good than other's in my opinion. If there at you are problems with pronunciation, I dont know what to say...speak english instead to say bullshit no? big_smile

Yes, when you mount your piece's on the 244 then put the picture's, we can see more thing's.

I live my life at the quarter mile the time, nothing something else matters.
For ten seconds or less...I'm Free!!!

579 Inlägg
8 januari 2011
Exactly right hehe wink And there's also the "block" in the head, or what you would call it. I atleast tend to over think things, going over an endless list of words to say to be sure it is the right word, and that makes the "uhm" "uh" words to come out tongue

Sure will do that smile But for now I'll put up some pics of the gearbox and it's mounting parts, with lenghts and widths so you can check the space under your car. And begin to speculate on how the conversion will go and what you possibly will have to do ti fit it big_smile

27 Inlägg
8 januari 2011
yes i will check, but anyway must to modify something at mount, i think the gearbox Volvo is little long. But when will see the pictures then i know what i have to do, and thanks for information...you are a good man.

I live my life at the quarter mile the time, nothing something else matters.
For ten seconds or less...I'm Free!!!

579 Inlägg
8 januari 2011
Do that, and I'll upload the picture's as soon as I've taken them wink As I always say - "If you can help, you should" smile

579 Inlägg
17 januari 2011
Update 63:

Har inte blivit nån updatering för jag orkade inte med å lägga upp bit vis med det lilla jag gjort hittills. Men slänger upp det nu, för nu har jag fått tag på en riktig svets big_smile äntligen tongue Det blev en gammal ESAB svetsinverter 3 fas på 160A, 2500 kr för maskinen å TIG samt MMA slangpaket plus lite elektroder big_smile. Farsan va nästan på väg å åka till Biltema å köpa en, men så sa jag till honom att han skulle svänga förbi Weldroc i Sunne. Bra å lyssna på sönerna ibland å wink Så nu slänger jag iväg popnit pistolen i ån, å börjar å laga karossen på riktigt å mer seriöst än vad jag gjort hittills wink Så nu är isbils "projektet" av denna bil skrotad, å kommer återgå till å fixa upp den inför besiktningen smile

Fy fan sö gla e människ kan bli asså wink


En lite lätt insöad reservdels bil, varför ska växellådan sitter under bilen tongue

Popnits lagningen kommer att göras om, men behöver bara kapa ner plåt bitarna mer lr mindre. Å punkta dit å sen dra på hel svets runtom smile

Har även skaffat lite service delar å annat bra å ha saker smile Ram lager som fattas för å sätta ihop motorn, kommer efter att jag har fått det nya körkortet i handen. Fan va gött lämpen har kommit å sen så tar farsan å köper en svets, detta är julafton för min del wink

Svetsen då, måste hålla ivern i styr för farsan skulle va med innan jag börjar svetsa, för å se så den fungerar som den ska. Han tror att jag förstör allt jag rör vid tongue

Så ifall jag får farsans ok, så kommer jag å börja svetsa dit golv, baljor å allt annat som behövs svetsas. Så jag kan börja fokusera på att sätta ihop bilen igen big_smile Å framför allt få ihop den så jag hinner sladda lite innan snön åker bort wink
Senast redigerat av P--JawZ--K (17 januari 2011)

579 Inlägg
18 januari 2011
Update 64:

Blir ingen maffig uppdatering idag, blev ganska less på att svetsa efter ett tag. Pinnen är den mest störande å svetsa med på tunnplåt (ifall man inte har rätt elektroder), antingen fastnar den hela tiden lr så smälter dä igenom för man går för sakta framåt sad Men va fan bara lite plåt, går ju å fixa till wink

Sen hämta farsan hem från jobbet en grund för å bygga en svets vagn smile alltid trevlit å ha. Å tacka gud för att dä är tjocka plattjärn å svetsa i tongue


Första inställnings svetsstränger jag gjort på pinne på över 4 år, för jävlit dåliga men övning ger tillbaks färdigheten wink

Jag tror fan aldrig jag har kommit i närheten av en så dålig svetsning innan dä här. Men bara å kapa upp å börja om å svetsa som en idiot tills dä sitter smile

Grunden till en svetsvagn jag tänkt göra. Gu sö gött mä riktigt tjocka plattjärn å svetsa i tongue

Imörrn blir dä omskolning i pinn svetsning för min del, så jag kan slippa göra om saker hela tiden wink Så då höres vi imörrn smile

The one and only
1 091 Inlägg
19 januari 2011
Svetsar du bilplåt med pinne??? Eller har du TIGat? Grymt snyggt blev det iaf wink hehe

Arguing on the internet is like running at the special olympics. Even if you win, you're still retarded.

27 Inlägg
19 januari 2011
its other Volvo? damn much snow from the first picture...you have started to do a good job with this.
Senast redigerat av Supersonyc (19 januari 2011)

I live my life at the quarter mile the time, nothing something else matters.
For ten seconds or less...I'm Free!!!

579 Inlägg
20 januari 2011
Volvo knugen; Pinne är det att tongue ifall jag hade Tigat skulle dä inte se så ut så, dä kan jag garantera. A väldigt lr hur wink Jag har ingen gas än, å kan inte lägga ut några pengar alls förrens jag har fått körkortet igen. Lever på en extremt tajt budget.

Supersonyc; Yeah it is the one I take all the spare parts to the other one that I'm restoring smile It's a bit of snow yes tongue Thanks alot smile but it will get even better as soon as I start to get the welding rythm back again tongue
Senast redigerat av P--JawZ--K (20 januari 2011)

27 Inlägg
20 januari 2011
yes that's good job. I seen you weld with electrical appliance and is very good the work. At my car i used  autogenous (oxigen + acetylene) never i tried to weld with electric.

I live my life at the quarter mile the time, nothing something else matters.
For ten seconds or less...I'm Free!!!

579 Inlägg
20 januari 2011
Thanks smile Not as good as I used to weld back when I was a fresh industrial welder graduate. Got my TIG license just after a week of elf learning practicing tongue Yeah like "metal glue" or something like that right. The one welding machine you should use is the MIG. Just press the button and point at the part you want to weld, it's as easy as that, with MMA it's a bit trickier, because it's not supposed to go with such thin material as 1mm (atleast not with the stick size's I'm using tongue) And there is the problem of igniting it and get stuck all the time, which easily happens if you have shaky hands

27 Inlägg
20 januari 2011
wow, this sound awesome at you. I know to weld with electric or autogenous, but how you said with MIG we dont have here....i think is very expensive that mashine or is not here in romania...I would like to see one and to work. And must to have a good protection for them, because burn your eyes and the hands...and this car you want to use for entertainment?

I live my life at the quarter mile the time, nothing something else matters.
For ten seconds or less...I'm Free!!!
