Nä, nu får det hända något igen. Co-pilot Andreas lockade med mig till garaget för en kort stund. Det var dags att märka ut vad som bör tvättas grundligt innan det är dags för glasblästring. Så det var bara till att skrida till verket och märka ut spridare, vattenrör, termostat, startmotor, insug, fördelare och ventilkåpa. Gångjärnen till dörrarna och bakluckan får sig också en omgång tänkte jag.
Andreas visade do's and don'ts i blästerskåpet så att en amatör som mig inte pajar hela garaget i form av damm överallt. Men nu har jag koll.
Raskt vidare till att skriva en "to do-list" och snabb huvudräkning på vad jag behöver köpa för att få motorrenoveringen i hamn. Många bäckar små har någon myntat för länge sedan. Applicerbart även på detta projekt. Men, jag vill att det ska bli bra. Och då får man inte snåla heller.
Själva tvättningen och blästringen kanske påbörjas denna veckan. Andreas skulle inom en verkstad i annat ärende och ge dem lite "heads up" om en Swift-motor på ingång. Förhoppningsvis är motorn klar för leverans till motorverkstaden om ett par veckor. Man får ju ha lite ledigt också mellan varven.
Glädjande är att britterna verkade hitta en motorhuv trots allt. Den som väntar får se. Leverans förväntad om en vecka.
Och en glädjande nyhet till. Testing testing, testar färgfilm i kameran. Eller på skärmen. Eller både och. Jag som trodde jag var äkta färgblind, men så var inte fallet, bara en knapp på digitalkameran. Håll tillgodo!
Slutligen så tänkte jag det vore roligt att printa ut Mr Bean i tjockare kartong och ha med sig i bilen och sätta i framsätet när man står parkerad.
• • • TRANSLATION • • •
Reply to post: I agree with a previous comment. Black and white pictures are so flat and boring. Regarding the engine block, it looks like you need to give it a thorough cleaning and ensure that all coolant channels are open. The residues of water and glycol have crystallized, and it can be challenging to remove everything. Also, don't be stingy; replace pistons and, of course, all bearings, clutch with pressure plate and disc, cam drive, and renovate the entire cylinder head. But, I'm sure your buddy knows better than me.
Reply to post: Something I don't understand is how you can incur an extra shipping cost when it's them who caused the issue. The parts were in stock when you ordered, then you received an email saying the hood was on backorder. In that case, shouldn't they cover the shipping cost? At least, that's what I think...No, now something has to happen again. Co-pilot Andreas enticed me to the garage for a short while. It was time to mark what should be thoroughly cleaned before it's time for sandblasting. So, I just had to get to work and mark injectors, water pipes, thermostat, starter motor, intake, distributor, and valve cover. I thought the door and trunk hinges could also use some attention.
Andreas showed the do's and don'ts in the blasting cabinet so that an amateur like me doesn't ruin the entire garage with dust everywhere. But now I have it under control.
Quickly moved on to write a to-do list and a quick mental calculation of what I need to buy to complete the engine overhaul. Many small streams make a big river, as someone coined a phrase long ago. Applicable even to this project. But I want it to be good. And then you can't skimp either.
The actual cleaning and sandblasting might start this week. Andreas would go to a workshop for another matter and give them a heads up about a Swift engine on the way. Hopefully, the engine will be ready for delivery to the engine workshop in a couple of weeks. One must have some time off between tasks.
The good news is that the Brits seemed to find a hood after all. Time will tell. Expected delivery in a week.
And some exciting news too. Testing, testing, testing color film in the camera. Or on the screen. Or both. I thought I was genuinely colorblind, but that wasn't the case, just a "button on the digital camera". Enjoy! NOTE! Editing tons of images take many hours. The reason I made all previous images in black and white is to skip all the color adjustments due to the mix of lightbulb/ambient light in every picture. But I do agree, it looks pretty dull with black and white pictures. But I guess I have to put those extra hours into editing. Note, the car will not be finished in quite some time due to all this editing.
Finally, I thought it would be fun to print out Mr. Bean on thicker cardboard and have him in the car, placing him in the front seat when parked.
Andreas visade do's and don'ts i blästerskåpet så att en amatör som mig inte pajar hela garaget i form av damm överallt. Men nu har jag koll.
Raskt vidare till att skriva en "to do-list" och snabb huvudräkning på vad jag behöver köpa för att få motorrenoveringen i hamn. Många bäckar små har någon myntat för länge sedan. Applicerbart även på detta projekt. Men, jag vill att det ska bli bra. Och då får man inte snåla heller.
Själva tvättningen och blästringen kanske påbörjas denna veckan. Andreas skulle inom en verkstad i annat ärende och ge dem lite "heads up" om en Swift-motor på ingång. Förhoppningsvis är motorn klar för leverans till motorverkstaden om ett par veckor. Man får ju ha lite ledigt också mellan varven.
Glädjande är att britterna verkade hitta en motorhuv trots allt. Den som väntar får se. Leverans förväntad om en vecka.
Och en glädjande nyhet till. Testing testing, testar färgfilm i kameran. Eller på skärmen. Eller både och. Jag som trodde jag var äkta färgblind, men så var inte fallet, bara en knapp på digitalkameran. Håll tillgodo!
Slutligen så tänkte jag det vore roligt att printa ut Mr Bean i tjockare kartong och ha med sig i bilen och sätta i framsätet när man står parkerad.
• • • TRANSLATION • • •
Reply to post: I agree with a previous comment. Black and white pictures are so flat and boring. Regarding the engine block, it looks like you need to give it a thorough cleaning and ensure that all coolant channels are open. The residues of water and glycol have crystallized, and it can be challenging to remove everything. Also, don't be stingy; replace pistons and, of course, all bearings, clutch with pressure plate and disc, cam drive, and renovate the entire cylinder head. But, I'm sure your buddy knows better than me.
Reply to post: Something I don't understand is how you can incur an extra shipping cost when it's them who caused the issue. The parts were in stock when you ordered, then you received an email saying the hood was on backorder. In that case, shouldn't they cover the shipping cost? At least, that's what I think...No, now something has to happen again. Co-pilot Andreas enticed me to the garage for a short while. It was time to mark what should be thoroughly cleaned before it's time for sandblasting. So, I just had to get to work and mark injectors, water pipes, thermostat, starter motor, intake, distributor, and valve cover. I thought the door and trunk hinges could also use some attention.
Andreas showed the do's and don'ts in the blasting cabinet so that an amateur like me doesn't ruin the entire garage with dust everywhere. But now I have it under control.
Quickly moved on to write a to-do list and a quick mental calculation of what I need to buy to complete the engine overhaul. Many small streams make a big river, as someone coined a phrase long ago. Applicable even to this project. But I want it to be good. And then you can't skimp either.
The actual cleaning and sandblasting might start this week. Andreas would go to a workshop for another matter and give them a heads up about a Swift engine on the way. Hopefully, the engine will be ready for delivery to the engine workshop in a couple of weeks. One must have some time off between tasks.
The good news is that the Brits seemed to find a hood after all. Time will tell. Expected delivery in a week.
And some exciting news too. Testing, testing, testing color film in the camera. Or on the screen. Or both. I thought I was genuinely colorblind, but that wasn't the case, just a "button on the digital camera". Enjoy! NOTE! Editing tons of images take many hours. The reason I made all previous images in black and white is to skip all the color adjustments due to the mix of lightbulb/ambient light in every picture. But I do agree, it looks pretty dull with black and white pictures. But I guess I have to put those extra hours into editing. Note, the car will not be finished in quite some time due to all this editing.
Finally, I thought it would be fun to print out Mr. Bean on thicker cardboard and have him in the car, placing him in the front seat when parked.
Senast redigerat av martinhejdesten (27 december 2023)