
Släcka servicelampan på V70/S70-00

2 Inlägg
7 april 2008
Hur släcker man servicelampan på en V70/S70-00. Läste en tidigare tråd att det går att göra, men inte hur.

18 Inlägg
7 april 2008
hallå man sätter på radioläge på nyckeln trycker in trippen håller inne den och sätter på tändningen. när service lampan blinkar så vridr man av nyckeln och släpper trippen...lampan är då släckt.

375 Inlägg
7 april 2008
V70/S70 -00
Resetting SRL lamp (Service Reminder Lamp) to zero
To reset the service reminder lamp to zero do the following:
-Ignition off.
-Press in and hold down the reset button for the trip meter.
-Turn the ignition on.
-Continue to hold down the rest button for 10 seconds; after 10 seconds the SRL lamp will flash.
-Release the reset button no later than 4 seconds after the lamp started to flash.

v70 00-

Hint: The indicator can also be reset using VIDA vehicle communication.

Resetting the Service reminder indicator (SRI), model years -2001
The service reminder indicator (SRI) informs the driver that it is time for the car to be serviced. The lamp remains lit for 120 seconds when the ignition is switched on.
Note! If the lamp flashes, it may be because one of the service parameters has not been programmed.
Proceed as follows to reset the service reminder indicator (SRI):
-Ignition position I
-Press and hold in the reset button for the trip odometer
-Ignition position II
-The service reminder indicator (SRI) starts flashing when the reset button for the trip odometer has been pressed for 10 seconds
-Release the reset button for the trip odometer within 5 seconds. The instrument gives an audible signal when resetting has succeeded.
Note! If the trip meter reset button is not released within 5 seconds the indicator is not reset. However the indicator will stop flashing.

Resetting the service reminder indicator (SRI), model years 2002-
The service reminder indicator (SRI) informs the driver that it is time for the car to be serviced. The text message is displayed for 120 s each time the ignition is switched on.
Proceed as follows to reset the service reminder indicator (SRI):
-Ignition position I
-Press and hold in the reset button for the trip odometer
-Ignition position II.
Note! Turn the key to position II within 2 seconds.
-Hold the reset button for the trip meter pressed in until the original value has been reset.
Note! For all vehicles from the 2003 model year a general yellow lamp will light when the reset button must be released.
-Release the reset button for the trip odometer within 4 seconds. The instrument gives an audible signal when resetting has succeeded
-If the trip meter is already reset the reset button should be held in for a minimum of 10 seconds and a maximum of 14 seconds.
Note! If the reset button for the trip odometer is not released within 4 seconds, the service reminder indicator (SRI) is not reset.

2 Inlägg
8 april 2008
Jag tackar för dessa trevliga svar

9 Inlägg
9 november 2009
tja såg att du hade lagt in ett tips på hur man släker servis lampan på s70 00 gäller det samma på 98?

3 295 Inlägg
