Hi, I have a problem. I took my Volvo with a 760 B230ET motronic engine to a garage to change the clutch, and they removed the flywheel without marking it first... and you can imagine what happened. I don't think my flywheel has any missing teeth. My engine model has two sensors next to each other, one is the rpm sensor and the other is the crankshaft sensor. It seems they positioned the flywheel incorrectly and of course... now I'll have to put the engine in top dead center and replace the flywheel. I can't find any references for my engine model (manual transmission B230et) and we're going crazy. I have no idea what references I have to follow, and the Haynes book doesn't have any information about this... could someone help me? Thank you very much to everyone.
On b220ft/fk you zero engine and missing teeth pointing to startmotor hole. But dont know if it same on a b230et.
Hello, thanks for responding. In motronic I believe there are no missing teeth, it is a model with 142 teeth. From what I have been able to find out, there is a flat tooth that with the engine at TDC you have to put it below the crank sensor... its motronic system
He does not seem to have got it fixed. Sadly there is very little info to be found of the motronic cars, best would be if someone found an old Volvo repair-manual on this engine
He does not seem to have got it fixed. Sadly there is very little info to be found of the motronic cars, best would be if someone found an old Volvo repair-manual on this engine
it is a shit engine so no one cares
but its easy to fix.. put flywheel in mark it without gearbox and clutch test start. if its not working move it a clockwise one bolt hole test start.. even if you try all ways it can sit its takes only 15-20min to test it..
He does not seem to have got it fixed. Sadly there is very little info to be found of the motronic cars, best would be if someone found an old Volvo repair-manual on this engine
it is a shit engine so no one cares
but its easy to fix.. put flywheel in mark it without gearbox and clutch test start. if its not working move it a clockwise one bolt hole test start.. even if you try all way it can sit its only 15-20min to test it..
"The motronic flywheels I've seen (B230ET) only have 1 single pip at TDC for one sensor the other countered the ring gear teeth."
I think setting it to TDC with the flat tooth aligned above where the crankshaft and rpm sensors are is the right way to go. I'm going to try it today and let you know, thanks a lot. (It's true that it's a shitty engine because the ECU doesn't accept changes, but I have it at 250 hp in drift configuration and it's really, really fun. When I can, I'll switch to a programmable ECU.)