lastbil vs. betong 00:21
You may have seen these around secured buildings & controlled areas. These WILL stop vehicles, even trucks. Here are the vital statistics: Truck weight = 32 tons Speed = 50 mph
tooffen STHLM(S)LOW

1992 visningar
Videon publicerades p Garaget 21 mars 2011
fr 14 r sedan
fr 14 r sedan
Helvette hehe ;P
fr 14 r sedan
ungefr som dom dr stolparna domhar i england. (tror jag)
fr 14 r sedan
Det r det som kallas vldigt kort stoppie
fr 14 r sedan
hehe.... d tog stpp du!
fr 14 r sedan
r det detta som kallas att tvrnita? hehe
fr 14 r sedan
fy satan.......
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