Hot Rod byggd i Lego 01:52
http://www.superawesomemicroproject.com The Super Awesome Micro Project: A full sized Lego car, with an engine made from Lego that runs on air.

2570 visningar
Videon publicerades p Garaget 19 december 2013
fr 10 r sedan
Fan s hftigt! :D
fr 11 r sedan
- The engine is made from standard Lego pieces and runs on air! - The engine has four orbital engines and a total of 256 pistons. - More than 500,000 LEGO pieces. - Top speed around 20-30km (We drive it slow as are scared of giant lego explosion) - Built in Romania and shipped to a secret location in Melbourne. - It's a Hot Rod design, mainly because hot rods are cool.
fr 11 r sedan
Eller r det typ en luft tank som drar runt allt kanske d?
fr 11 r sedan
Japp, gr antagligen p tryckluft.
fr 11 r sedan
jo gr p tryckluft ifrn en tank lego pneumatic heter det :P fanns nr jag var liten typ lyftkranar o sdant... som man pumpade upp fr hand en liten tank...
fr 11 r sedan
Och euroncab r -5
fr 11 r sedan
Ja krocktesterna verka inte s okej bra :/ men fixa man lite superlim och silvertejp s br den klara krocktesterna. :P
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