10 december 2008
tydligen inte , men har kollat runt lite på olika forum när det gäller Calibra motorn så har äntligen hittat någon som kan, det går att sätta toppen från en 16v på blocket av en 8v, // This is probably the most often asked question ever when it comes to the 2.0 and so I guess it
makes since to put it on here
To change from a 2.0 to a 2.0 turbo is a lot of work and the easiest way to do it is just to swap
the motors over, //cause the only things the two engines share are the block//, crankshaft and the
connecting rods. But if for whatever reason you decide to keep your block in your car you need
to swap pistons cause the turbo pistons are forged and the 2.0 NA's are not, you need the turbo
head cause of the compression ratio change, (8.8:1 NA - 8.0:1 turbo) for those of you who think
its stupid to lower compression and gain power with a turbo.....trust me it works. You will also
need all the wiring, ECM, throttle cable, oil pan, intake, exhaust, turbo, down pipe, fuel pump
(unless your car was originally MPFI then its better than the turbo pump) and basically
everything attached to the head except the block, get a turbo head gasket when you get a new
one, obviously, lol and all the air box crap too if you wanna go stock. Transmission change is
also a good idea if it’s a 5 speed, see the "Transmission" section.// var det svar jag fick^^ nu e frågan bara, vad det kmr kossta att slänga ihop en sån motor genom att bara köpa delar:O