mYGeL skrev:
ExXtr3me skrev:
Och snackar finska? Wtf..
Inte i svaret!

annat namn också. men svarade på annonsen

Let me tell you more about the car and how can we finish the transaction. I just moved back with my wife to United Kingdom, I am engineer and I have a new job here! It is a very good car which was never in accidents. The engine it is in very good condition and the car has no damages. The car is here with us and is ready to go. The final price of the car with all the shipping taxes included in the price will be SEK 43,500!
I would like to use a shipping company for this deal, the process is very easy and here are some of the steps of an transaction through them *I just bought an 2006 Audi Q7 and this is why I know how the system works*
First you have to accept the transaction. Next thing is that I must go at the shipping company office and prepare the car for the shipping.
The delivery time will be around 2-3 days and the car will be delivered at your home address. In this time you will receive the tracking number# of the transaction so you can use it to check the status on the shipping company website.
After you receive the tracking number# and the shipping company receipts you will need to make the payment/deposit to the shipping company by a bank transfer. Please note that it will not be a payment in advance, all that you have to do is to make the deposit to them as a guarantee; they are 100% refundable!!
You receive the car and test it for 10 days, after this period is over you will need to confirm to shipping company if you want to keep the car. In this situation the shipping company will make the payment to me.
In case that you are not satisfied by the car you will have a full refund and the car will be shipped back to me on my own expense, I tried to explain you how good i could.
Now I wait your decision if we can go to the next step ...
I am a serious seller and if you agree with my terms please get back to me with your full name, complete address and telephone number to be able to start the transaction with you.
Thomas & Ulrica Berg
Phone Number: 0044/742 441 0619
P.S. Please call me if you need more info about the whole process.