

Medlem sedan
8 oktober 2010
Senaste besöket
9 oktober 2010
hello:)I'm a guy from germany!I love cars ofcourse:)
my english are not so good but I can understand swedish good and write a little bit:)
I work on IND and enjoy it:)

IND’s Green Hell project was conceived almost immediately after our return from Germany. With the amazing Nurburgring still fresh in my memory, I felt truly inspired. When our long-time client Sam told us of his desire to push the limit of his E92 M3 at the track, I knew we’d found the perfect co-conspirator for our plan. Many people in the US have installed Supercharger or stroker kits on their new M3s, but few have any plans to push the car’s limits at the racetrack. This is what sets Sam apart from many people spending tens of thousands on their M3s, and this, I knew, would be the winning ingredient to our Green Hell project. As will all IND Portfolio projects, the most important factor to a successful and memorable project car is the owner.

ADMIN LÄS DETTA!FRÅGA innan! min flickvän bor i sverige hur tror du annars ja lärt mig svenska och hittat denna sidan?ja bor hos henne för diverse grejer!


green_hell har ingen bil att visa just nu
