Truck Jumps Over a Moving Formula 1 Car 00:31
Why jump a giant semi-truck over a speeding Formula 1 car? If you're EMC and Lotus F1 Team, it's a unique way to demonstrate how we "Redefine Motorsports," bringing the power of EMC technology to the Lotus F1 Team?and setting a world record in the process! Full video & special behind scenes footage:... Visa mer

2328 visningar
Videon publicerades p Garaget 23 november 2014
fr 10 r sedan
hmmmm.... vad r det de vill sga med den videon?
fr 10 r sedan
Kan man s ska man.....kanske?
fr 10 r sedan
den va iallf skn:)
fr 10 r sedan
Ha ha..jo..;)
fr 10 r sedan
Jajo fr den lr ju ha fortsatt rulla som att ingenting hade hnt..
fr 10 r sedan
Skn landning!
