Stunt Motorcyclist in Downtown Chicago - Red Bull Night Tracks 02:46
http://youtube.com/redbull To display his talents on a motorycle, Red Bull Athlete Aaron Colton, age 19, takes over the city streets of downtown Chicago. From the infamous Upper Wacker Drive to some iconic locations within the city, Colton solidifies himself as one of the most electrifying motorcycle stunt athletes in the world. Check... Visa mer
RobbstA "Lay It Low"

1363 visningar
Videon publicerades p Garaget 1 november 2011
fr 13 r sedan
s tomma gator r det aldrig dr, klart att polisen har sprrat av.. Men riktgit bra klippt och filmat..
fr 13 r sedan
Riktigt skn rulle! Stod det inte en polis dr i slutet eller?
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