ALM Racing raw footage PART 3 06:07
Going through my archive of videos I have found a lot of footage on the brothers Kenneth Alm and Flemming Alm. They are known for their sideways action in their Audis. I will be uploading it in parts so subscribe if you like this. This is footage from all the way back from Autobloggen.net. So thanks to all the guys helping out shooting... Visa mer

1549 visningar
Videon publicerades p Garaget 30 april 2013
fr 12 r sedan
Vid 3:44, grymt krt :)
fr 12 r sedan
Dessa r helt sjuka ;)
fr 12 r sedan
Hller drivlina och motorer fr dom s hller det fr alla!
fr 12 r sedan
Fyfaan s herrarna kan ratta 4WD!
fr 12 r sedan
Man fr ju stnd fr fan
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