Daktad hade bilen mellan november 2009 och 2011 (såld)
3 904 visningar (1 idag)
Uppdaterad 12 november 2011
Skapad 12 oktober 2010
Effekt / Vridmoment
250 hk / NmMotor, växellåda och avgassystem
Nyrenoverad & Vässad 318, 8 1/4 diffad bakaxel.
Accel Dubbelbrytare
Clevite kam
Edelbrock performer rpm insug
Matchportade toppar.
Edelbrock 600 förgasare
Stora lådan 727
B&M Turbin 2400 i stall
Extern oljekylare
Nytt avgasEffekt och prestanda (ingående)
OrginalFälgar, däck och bromsar
Centerline fälgar, Skivor fram, Trummor bak.
BromsservoInteriör / Inredning
Vit inredning. Stolar med mittkonsoll,doftgranar.Bilstereo och multimedia
-Exteriör / Styling
Klistermärke på bakrutan.Framtidsplaner
Byta motor till ny renoverad,preppad låda,Nytt avgas,omlack,nya fälgar.Övrigt
Bakaxel Info:
Chrysler installed three different type rearends in A-bodies from 63-76: the 7-1/4", the Spicer 8-1/4" and the Chrysler 8-3/4". The 7-1/4" was designated for light duty service. It served as the only rearend available from 1963-65, and from then on to 1976, the 7-1/4" was used in six cylinder and some lighter duty eight cylinder applications. By far, the 7-1/4" accounts for the majority of A-body rearends produced. The 8-3/4" was introduced in 1966 for heavy duty applications (Originally it was available in 1965 as a rearend that could be ordered by dealers and designated as a drag racing a rearend). The 8-3/4" was standard on the 340 and 383 A-bodies and optional as part of a heavy duty axle package on the other engines. When the 8-3/4" was discontinued (for the A-body) in 1973, its replacement for heavy duty A-body applications was the Spicer 8-1/4" rearend (a rearend Chrysler began using in B and C body cars as early as 1969).