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Gigeresque Aliens car mod
17 november 2009
This silver-toothed xenomorph mod job done by a group of energetic sci-fi roughs from Krasnoyarsk, Russia is ready to hit the road at 90mph and chestburst right through the passenger cage of that dinky little hybrid you bought to impress your girlfriend. Why are all the coolest modders from Russia? A hereto unknown physical law of the universe. or a powerful argument for the benefits of low-level background radiation on the creative cortex of the human brain? One suggestion: GPS unit that says "Stay on target! Stay on target!"
Mm, vore något att glida runt i :) Den som har en såda, har klart imponerat på mig!! ;) <3
Mm, vore något att glida runt i :) Den som har en såda, har klart imponerat på mig!! ;) <3