PSIMotor BMW M50B25 Turbo EcuMaster Plug N Play. 00:14
Driftcar With TB60 Turbocharger and our own PnP EcuMaster adapterharness. 501,7hp och 648nm. Stock engine exept headbolts and headgasket.

2065 visningar
Videon publicerades p Garaget 1 juni 2014
fr 11 r sedan
e85 ?
fr 11 r sedan
Its very sensitive to ping and detonation due to quick combustion. The non vanos engine has a CR of 9,6:1 and the vanos is around 10,4:1. I strongly recommend to lower the CR if to run 98octan.
fr 11 r sedan
I have seen alot run on non-vanos staker og svrvede kolvar. Is that good enough for ~350-400 on 98 you think?
fr 11 r sedan
Non vanos rods in vanos engine works fine. 6.86:1 in CR. Tuned many up to 500+hp
fr 11 r sedan
vilket avgashus ?
fr 11 r sedan
03 tror jag det var. Den r maxad iaf.
fr 11 r sedan
Absolut, skicka din mail i ett PM s skickar jag programvara och en testfil.
fr 11 r sedan
Hur ser kurvan ut med TB60?
fr 11 r sedan
Finns bild p kurvan p Facebook psimotor
fr 11 r sedan
Okej, tack
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