Bilen lekker ikke lenger. Dreide noen biter aluminium og fikk Hydroactive Electrovalve tett og god som ny . Delen produseres ikke lenger så man må fikse det selv.
ser at det er lenge siden kommentarer men prøver likevel. Slik Turboen er plassert på dette bildet, får du ikke problemer med varme eller klarer bandasjen dempe det tilstrekkelig ?
Bet u guys cannot wait to get it up, running, mapped and dyno'ed :D Looks great. Going to look even better with all the bits in place. Are you going to detail the top end too ?
Sry for commenting in english but i've found from experience that norwegian for some reason is hard for swedes to grasp , no offense intended :) Anyways. I've just bought at Activa CT that has approximately 190ish bhp and since i think it could use a good overhaul i wondered if you would share some info on where to do what ? I tried to figure out how i could pm you but as you can tell from this i did not :p Big props on your car this far. I love the fact that someone is willing to tune a Citroen as they are great cars when people treat them right . :)