kommer inte ihåg exakt vart jag läste det men det är fler katter som dör eller skadar sig allvarligt om dom hoppar/trillar ifrån 4-7 våningen, över där så klarar dom sig bättre, ska se om jag hittar det.
edit: hittade det nu:
Using their righting reflex, cats can often land uninjured. This is, however, far from always the case, and cats can still break bones or die from falls. In a 1987 study, published in the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, of 132 cats that were brought into the New York Animal Medical Center after having fallen from buildings, it was found that the injuries per cat increased depending on the height fallen up to seven stories but decreased above seven stories.[7] The study authors speculated that after falling five stories the cats reached terminal velocity and thereafter relaxed and spread their bodies to increase drag. However, an alternative interpretation which came out of internet chat[7] of the study would be that upon an excess of seven stories the cats experience a higher fatality rate which prevents the owner for bringing them in for life saving treatment.
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Senast redigerat av kolvas (9 maj 2009)
Fy fan för att vara nykterist, tänk er att vakna upp dagen efter och inse att bättre än så här kommer jag inte att må