Gatebil Festival @ Mantorp Park 2011 - Superior Media 13:10
The people that have visit a Gatebil Festival event will never forget it and will never stop loving it. It's the most awesome thing you can experience i terms of motorsport events here in Europe. To understand what it is you have to be there and experience it yourself. It is a weekend with lot's of action by crazy drivers, from... Visa mer

1415 visningar
Videon publicerades p Garaget 22 augusti 2011
fr 14 r sedan
en stor tumme upp. bra klippt. respekt fr de sjuka jobbet bakom!
fr 14 r sedan
bra film! och vilken sjuk vingen vid 1:43
fr 14 r sedan
Riktigt skn film !
fr 14 r sedan
underbar film! :D
fr 14 r sedan
sjuuukt bra :)
fr 14 r sedan
Grymt! som vanligt, man vill bara se meeeer :D
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